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Fight the Sunday night blues

Fight the Sunday night blues

Our tips for beating the Sunday night blues

You haven't seen the weekend go by! Your morale is low, and you have no motivation to start a new week. It's called the Sunday night blues. Here are some tips to cheer you up as Monday approaches.

The Sunday Night Blues:A Widespread Phenomenon

Sunday is one of the most hated days of the week. His only mistake is to precede Monday. You feel like you haven't enjoyed the weekend enough, that time has passed too quickly, and the return to reality panics you. The idea of ​​going back to the office stresses you out and you are feeling down. If you're feeling tied down and lacking in energy, you may be suffering from the very common symptom of the infamous Sunday night blues. This Sunday depression affects nearly 50% of French people.

To end a weekend, there is still more pleasant than brooding and wasting the last hours that we could put to good use. What if we decided to take the opposite course and make Sunday a day of fun? Discover all our tips to beat the Sunday night blues.

5 tips for overcoming depression on Sundays

  • Preparing an anti-depression playlist :nothing is more effective than music to have a boost of energy and find your good mood. List all the music that gets you pumped and collect it in a special playlist to fight the Sunday night blues.
  • Organize a fun activity :The gloom sets in much more quickly if you are moping alone. So instead of lamenting on the couch, invite friends over for tea and board games, movie night, or order pizza to share with friends and family.
  • Exercise :a short sports session is always very effective in clearing your head and chasing away dark thoughts. After an hour of sport, you will feel soothed. For example, you can go jogging, yoga, swimming, etc. Find an activity that relaxes you and that you enjoy to combine business with pleasure. Practicing a physical activity also allows you to evacuate stress and find a restful sleep.
  • Exit :staying at home makes you anxious? Are you going around in circles and can't change your mind? Get out of your house to get some fresh air! You can go to the cinema, walk in the park, go to your favorite restaurant, drink tea at your friend's house, go to the market, etc. Any excuse is good to occupy your mind and beat the Sunday blues.
  • Get rid of tasks :Avoid postponing all chores during the weekend. You may find yourself having to deal with everything on Sunday evening. And there, panic is guaranteed! Get rid of weekend chores on Friday for peace of mind to enjoy your Sunday.
  • Preparing for a cocooning evening :to end your weekend on a positive note, take some time for yourself. For example, you can set up a pampering evening ritual:a bubble bath, a candle, a face mask and a little Netflix evening. What could be better than a moment for yourself to decompress before tackling a new week?

Opt for anti-depression essential oils!

To fight against temporary depression, certain essential oils can be effective and bring you comfort and well-being. Choose relaxing essential oils like lemon verbena, ylang-ylang, true lavender, or Roman chamomile. To enjoy their benefits, you can use them in different ways:

  • A few drops in the bath or in your shower gel;
  • Inhaled on a handkerchief or on the pillow;
  • Diffused with an atmospheric diffuser;
  • Massage with a few drops mixed with massage oil.

By changing your Sunday habits, turn your gloom into a pleasant moment to end your weekend with a smile. Sport, meditation, meals with friends, outings... All ideas are good to take so that Sunday becomes your favorite day.