Pay your car insurance only according to its actual use, do you dream of it? Look no further, the solution exists:car insurance per kilometer . This formula is intended for people who do not drive a lot, as is the case in particular with many retirees.
This insurance adapts to the profile of the driver and allows significant savings, generally up to 30% compared to a conventional insurance contract. But beware, this type of insurance requires certain criteria to be met in order to remain interesting
Paying car insurance based on kilometers traveled is a concept born in the United States, still not very widespread in France. However, it is a good way to save money if you use your car little or practically no more, for example when you retire when you no longer have a home-to-work journey to make. or, when with aging, health problems appear that prevent driving a vehicle for long periods of time. The fact of using public transport more than your car is also a good reason to opt for this type of insurance. It is also a good solution if you hardly ever use your vehicle because, even then, it must remain insured.
Car insurance per kilometer is advantageous if you mainly travel short distances or for a second car that you only use occasionally. In all these cases, paying for your insurance according to the kilometers traveled with your car represents significant savings while keeping the same guarantees (third party or all risks) and the same services as conventional insurance.
Car insurance per kilometer implies that you transmit to your insurer, via an electronic box installed in your vehicle, the number of kilometers you have traveled. The insurance company can also check your declarations on its own at random, once a year or in the event of a claim.
Your premium is then calculated on the basis of your declarations. Like all car insurance, the amount you pay also takes into account the type of vehicle insured, criteria related to the driver such as age, professional situation, place of residence, type of license, etc. There are two forms of car insurance per kilometer:
This type of insurance (also called "Pay as you drive"), allows you to pay a premium that actually corresponds to the number of kilometers you travel each month. It is particularly suitable for people who drive very little all year round.
This formula is intended for people who use their vehicle little but who may have to travel more kilometers at certain times of the year. The insured agrees not to exceed a certain number of kilometers per year in return for an advantageous insurance premium. The mileage packages offered generally range from 4,000 to 20,000 km per year.
Warning: if you exceed this amount, your insurer can freely increase your premium at the end of the year, just like increasing your deductibles or deciding to compensate you less in the event of a claim. You must therefore be sure not to exceed the mileage package chosen at the start to subscribe to insurance per kilometer.