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How to anticipate and live well your first months of retirement?

How to anticipate and live well your first months of retirement?

The first months of retirement represent a real break with his lifestyle as an employee or self-employed. No more time constraints, whole days free, no more reporting to your hierarchy, so many advantages that being retired brings.

However, this major change in the rhythm of life should not be experienced as a radical break with social life and as the start of a period of idleness, at the risk of experiencing the first months of retirement badly. The important thing is to find a good balance in the management of your time and to anticipate it as much as possible.

Do not indulge (too much) in idleness

The first months of retirement are often considered a long vacation. It's okay to have a little good time at first, to appreciate your newfound freedom. But you have to quickly organize your free time, which will remain so from now on. Doing things that had been put aside until now, for lack of time, can be a first objective to occupy this new free time. Putting your house in order, starting a major cleaning, classifying your unsorted papers for a long time, sorting your wardrobe:very useful activities that will occupy your first months of retirement. Rearranging your interior is one of the things you can also plan because from now on this is where you will spend a good part of your time, so you might as well feel good there.

Taking care of yourself is also a pleasant way to fill your free time and boost your morale. Solo or in a group, take part in trips, hikes near your home, frequent saunas and hammams, etc. Being well in body and in mind will inevitably facilitate the transition, which can be difficult, between active life and retirement.

Organizing a dense social life

Consciously or without realizing it, everyone is preparing for retirement and anticipating the management of this new period of freedom. All the activities carried out outside his working hours until now, all the leisure activities, will continue to be practiced when the hour of retirement strikes. The end of a professional career is not an end in itself. Social life, passions, distractions do not stop when you retire. So you might as well play sports, tinker, garden, travel, etc. already before retirement age. These lifestyle habits will last anyway and will prevent you from feeling isolated and bored, at least during your first months of retirement.

Being retired often means getting involved in voluntary activities, a good guarantee of not being cut off from social life and of remaining useful to society. If this is one of your objectives, a few months before the end of your professional activity, begin to define the area in which you wish to invest (support for the most disadvantaged, help with school homework, sharing and transmission of your professional skills in a support association for business creators, etc.) and contact the organizations for which you want to give some of your retired time.