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Redeeming retirement points:why, when, how?

Redeeming retirement points:why, when, how?

The retirement points are specific to supplementary pension schemes, just as the quarters, which make it possible to calculate the amount of the retirement pension, are specific to the basic pension scheme. Throughout their professional career, active people contribute to later receive a basic retirement pension as well as a supplementary pension

In terms of complementary pension plans in the private sector, the contributions paid during the years worked make it possible to acquire points which accumulate in the individual account of each worker . At the time of retirement, the total of these points serves as the basis for calculating the gross amount of the retirement pension paid by the supplementary pension schemes. These points have a value in euros, revalued every year by the social partners managing the supplementary pension schemes.

Why redeem retirement points?

The more retirement points you have acquired during your working life, the higher the amount of your supplementary pension will be, since the total of your points is multiplied by the value of the point (16.1879 euros for Arrco and 5.6306 euros for Agirc in 2017, for example). For private sector employees, Arrco and Agirc offer the possibility of buying back additional pension points which are added to those already acquired. The conditions for this redemption differ from one supplementary pension plan to another. It is advisable to be well informed before deciding to redeem retirement points. This process has a cost that can be high compared to the little additional gain in terms of retirement pension.

How does point redemption work?

Depending on the supplementary pension schemes, the redemption of points is possible but under different titles and conditions. For Agirc-Arrco, this redemption can be made for the years of higher education completed. A maximum of three years of higher education can be taken into account for a total that cannot exceed 70 points per year of study. But beware, this buy-back can only take place if, beforehand, the insured has, in his basic pension plan, bought back terms for these same periods of higher education.

In the same way, the tariffs for the purchase of pension points are different according to the supplementary pension schemes. For Agirc-Arrco, the cost of redeeming these points depends partly on the number of points redeemed, the value of the point itself and the age of the beneficiary at the time of redemption. The formula used to calculate the cost of this redemption is simple:number of redeemed points x value of the point x age coefficient. This coefficient is for example from 22 to 50 years old, from 23.2 to 55 years old, from 24.6 to 60 years old, from 25.3 to 62 years old, etc.

When and from whom should you redeem retirement points?

The request for the redemption of pension points must be made before the liquidation of the rights in the supplementary pension scheme. For private sector employees and agricultural employees, Agirc-Arrco is competent. The liberal professions must apply to their complementary schemes:the Autonomous Pension Fund for Doctors of France (CARMF), the Provident and Retirement Fund for Notaries (CPRN), the Autonomous Pension Fund for Dental Surgeons and midwives (CARCDSF), the old-age insurance fund for ministerial officers, public officers and legal companies (CAVOM), the old-age insurance fund for pharmacists (CAVP), the autonomous pension and provident fund for nurses , massage therapists-physiotherapists, podiatrists-podiatrists, speech therapists and orthoptists (CARPIMKO), the independent pension and provident fund for veterinarians (CARPV) and the old-age insurance fund for chartered accountants and auditors (CAVEC).

The redemption of pension points is not possible for the self-employed who contribute to the supplementary pension scheme of the Social Regime for the Self-Employed (RSI), for agricultural employees who depend on the compulsory supplementary scheme of the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) , for certain liberal professions and for employees, holders or not, of the public service.

To redeem points, the insured must meet age conditions:be between 20 and 67 years old, or under 60 for civil servants and the military. Nor must he have begun to draw his pension.