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Individual statement of retirement situation:what is it? How to get it?

Individual statement of retirement situation:what is it? How to get it?

The law grants a right to information on retirement to all persons, employees, civil servants or self-employed. In concrete terms, everyone has the right to have different elements to better know and understand their situation in relation to their future retirement. The individual statement of retirement situation is one of these available and essential documents. This is a summary document of his rights, which is used in particular to calculate his retirement pension.

Individual statement of retirement situation:a summary of acquired rights

All employees, civil servants and self-employed have a right to information on pensions. This right is materialized by several measures and accessible documents, intended to better know his situation.

Thus, future retirees all benefit from a general information document on retirement (operation, conditions, etc.) available from 2 quarters of old-age insurance. They can also request an information meeting, obtain an overall indicative estimate of the amount of their retirement pension and an individual statement of retirement situation (RIS).

The individual statement of retirement situation contains several elements which concern his own rights in relation to retirement according to the course of his professional career and for all the basic and supplementary pension schemes to which a person has contributed.

Thus, for each person concerned, the individual statement of retirement situation mentions the duration of retirement insurance (the number of quarters contributed) and the points accumulated in each basic and supplementary pension scheme from which they have acquired rights. This information is that current as of December 31 of the previous year.

All the information contained in the individual statement of retirement situation is provided in particular through the social declarations made annually by employers. Be careful though:the individual statement of retirement situation does not show the quarters contributed for maternity or military service, unlike another information document concerning retirement, the career statement.

The individual statement of retirement situation is an essential document because the calculation of your retirement pension is based on the elements it contains.

How to obtain your statement of retirement situation?

An automatic send at different times of life

Employees, self-employed and civil servants do not need to take any particular steps to obtain their individual statement of retirement situation.

Indeed, this document is automatically sent to interested parties from the age of 35, either by post or by e-mail for those who have created their personal space on the site for the basic social security pension.

Then, each person receives their individual statement of retirement situation at different times of life, every 5 years, at 40, 45 and 50, always automatically, without having to ask for it.

The provision of his individual statement of retirement situation does not imply taking any particular steps in relation to his future retirement. This is a personalized information document intended to situate and understand his status in relation to his retirement and the amount of his future pension in particular.

Nevertheless, it is strongly advised, after each automated transmission of this document, to carefully check the information it contains since it is this information that will be taken into account by the various pension schemes to define your pension rights, whether whether the date of your retirement or the amount of your future pension for example.

In the event of an error or omission of certain information concerning your professional career and your acquired pension rights, it is preferable to contact the pension scheme concerned whose contact details are mentioned on each individual statement of retirement situation.

The possibility of consulting your individual statement of retirement situation at any time

In addition to the periodic and automatic sending of the individual statement of retirement situation to each employee, civil servant or self-employed, from the age of 35, it is possible to consult this document summarizing their retirement rights at any time in its "my retirement account" space on the website of Union Retraite, a public interest group (GIP) which brings together all the compulsory, basic and supplementary pension bodies that concern employees in the private or civil servants in particular, or on the Retirement Insurance website in their personal space.

In the same way, each person concerned can request their individual statement of retirement situation from their pension funds. In this case, this request can only be made once a year. It must be made by post, which must be dated and signed. The request must mention certain information such as the family name (or the name of use), his or her first names, his personal postal or electronic address, his date and place of birth, his social security number, and the name of at least one of its pension plans.

Following this process, your individual statement of retirement situation will be sent to you by post or e-mail.