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What is the Individual Retirement Interview (EIR)? How to take advantage of it?

What is the Individual Retirement Interview (EIR)? How to take advantage of it?

It is not always easy to find your way around when you start asking questions about your retirement, especially since the reforms have been taking place for a few years. However, there is a simple, free process, open to employees and business leaders, which allows you to take stock of your situation with an expert in the matter:the individual retirement interview (EIR). Too little used, this interview can however be very useful.

Who can benefit from an individual retirement interview (EIR)?

All active people from the age of 45, who wish to make a complete assessment of their professional career to know their pension rights, have the possibility of benefiting from an individual retirement interview (EIR), also called "retirement information interview", provided you have acquired rights in a mandatory French scheme.

This free meeting, lasting approximately 1 hour, is aimed at both employed and unemployed employees, business leaders, the self-employed or the liberal professions. The EIR is made available to employees in the private sector, as well as the public.

Why request an individual retirement interview (EIR)?

In use since 2012, the individual retirement interview (EIR) has been set up to promote the right to information on pensions for all workers in order to help them better prepare and better understand the elements that will allow to open their pension rights. However, this EIR is still unknown and little used.

This EIR takes the form of a free meeting with an expert on retirement issues. The latter's mission is to inform you about your pension rights and their development, as well as the amount of your future pension. It determines, according to the situation of each person, the age at which you can claim your full pension. This interview is personal, the expert who receives you therefore takes into account the particularities of each professional career (periods of training, unemployment, illness, maternity leave, part-time, etc.).

The objective of an EIR is also to consider the various possibilities which can make it possible to improve the amount of retirement pensions by proposing in particular simulations according to the number of points acquired or the number of quarters missing to claim retirement. at full rate. Thus, the expert who receives you is able to offer you solutions to improve your situation once you retire, such as quarterly buy-back, combining employment and retirement, phased retirement, etc.

How to benefit from an individual retirement interview (EIR)?

To benefit from an individual retirement interview (EIR), all you have to do is make a request to one of your basic or supplementary pension plans (pension insurance or Agirc-Arrco for employees, the State pension scheme for civil servants, magistrates or soldiers, the National pension fund for local authority agents (CNRACL) for public service contract workers, etc.).

Depending on the organization, this request can be made by telephone, email or directly on their website. You can find out about your pension plans and the organizations attached to them on the info-retraite site, under the heading "my plans". Note that to benefit from an EIR, you must not have already applied for it in the previous 6 months. The pension organization requested has 6 months, following your request, to set the date for this EIR.

For this interview to lead to useful and personalized information, it is advisable to prepare well for this meeting, in particular by checking all the personal information present on your statement of individual situation available on your personal space on the website, or which is sent to each active person from the age of 35. It is also important to be well prepared for the questions you have about your rights and their development prospects.