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How does the retirement quarter buy-back work?

How does the retirement quarter buy-back work?

The pension quarter buy-back concerns people who have not contributed long enough to obtain a full-rate pension. A solution often more advantageous than those proposed in this case, that is to say either continue to work to acquire quarters, or accept a discount on his pension.

Buying back a quarter of retirement, how does it work?

Buying back quarters of retirement to increase the length of your insurance or get as close as possible to a full pension means concretely making payments to the general social security scheme or, in certain cases, to the supplementary pension scheme. The cost of a quarter depends on age, income and the type of period to buy back.

This procedure thus makes it possible to validate, for the calculation of the pension, periods during which you have made no or little contribution. These redemptions of quarters can take place throughout the professional career, and in principle it is possible to buy them in several installments (in 1, 3 or 5 years).

The request for redemption of a quarter of retirement can only concern entire quarters, and a maximum of 12. This redemption allows you to complete the years for which less than 4 quarters of retirement have been validated.

There are two retirement quarter redemption options. The first is to buy back only the calculation rate of your retirement. The latter is between 37.5% and 50% depending on your age, your situation and the number of terms you have acquired. The redemption therefore makes it possible to reach the full rate of 50% for those who do not benefit from the duration of insurance required for this maximum rate. The second option consists in buying back both the calculation rate of your retirement, but also its duration of insurance. The latter is the solution that best improves the amount of your retirement.

Be careful however, once you receive a retirement pension, you can no longer buy back quarters for your retirement.

For those who wish to buy back quarters of retirement, it is possible to carry out a simulation of the cost of their buy-back on the Retirement Insurance website in their personal space.

Which quarters are affected by the buyback?

There are several major situations that can be the subject of a redemption of quarters of retirement.

The years of higher education validated by a diploma

If you are affiliated to the general social security system at the end of your studies, you have the possibility of requesting the redemption of the corresponding quarters of retirement. To do this, you must have studied in a higher education establishment, a Grande Ecole or a preparatory class for these Grandes Ecoles, and have obtained a diploma. This trimester redemption is only possible if you have not been affiliated to a mandatory pension plan during these years of study.

You must also be between 20 and 66 years old to claim to request the redemption of the terms of your years of study.

The years of activity did not allow to validate 4 quarters of retirement

It is possible to buy back quarters of retirement for incomplete years, that is to say those during which your professional activity made it possible to validate less than 4 quarters.

The learning periods

The periods spent in apprenticeship between 01/07/1972 and 31/12/2013 can be redeemed at a preferential rate and transformed into quarters for retirement, but at the maximum number of 4 quarters.

Internship periods carried out as part of the university course

2 months of internship carried out as part of university studies give the right to buy back a quarter of retirement at a very low rate. This measure mainly concerns paid internships and the request for redemption of the quarter of retirement must be made less than 2 years after the end of the internship.

The years of activity as a childminder

Those who worked as a childminder between 01/01/1975 and 31/12/1990 have the possibility of buying back 12 quarters of retirement at a preferential rate.

The periods spent in military camps by the children of harkis

The children of harkis, moghaznis and personnel of the auxiliary forces of the French army have the possibility of buying back quarters of retirement at preferential rates for periods spent in accommodation camps in France between 18/03/1962 and on 12/31/1975. They must have been between the ages of 16 and 21 at the time.