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What does the SIRET number correspond to, how is it constructed?

The SIRET number is a unique 14-digit numerical identifier assigned by INSEE to any legally constituted company and any association registered with the Prefecture.

In France, the creation of a company gives rise to the allocation of a SIRET number. This code proves the legal existence of a company and appears on all official documents, quotes, invoices and payslips in particular. How is the SIRET number constructed? What is the procedure to get it? All the explanations.

What is the SIRET number?

The SIRET number (Computer System for the Directory of Companies in the Territory) is a series of 14 digits assigned by INSEE, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. These numbers correspond to the 9-digit SIREN number and the 5-digit NIC (Internal Classification Number).

For example, a company could be assigned the following SIRET number:123 568 941 00056. In this case:

  • 123 568 941 corresponds to its SIREN number;
  • 00056 is its NIC.

It is important to clearly differentiate the SIRET number from the SIREN. Indeed, the SIREN makes it possible to identify a legal unit and has no connection with the activity of the company. The SIRET refers to a geographically located unit where the activity of the SIREN unit is carried out. Thus, a company with several places of activity will obtain several SIRETs.

The steps to obtain a SIRET number

The steps to take to obtain a SIRET number depend on the legal status of the company and the nature of its activity.

Commercial and civil companies

Sole proprietorships, LLCs, SAs, SASUs or EURLs must apply for registration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). Civil companies must make this request to the registry of the commercial court.

The artisans

For companies carrying out a craft activity, the application must be submitted to the Business Formalities Center (CFE) of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts. Craftsmen have one month to complete this formality before starting their activity. They can also submit their request the following month provided they inform the president of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts by registered letter.


If you are a micro-entrepreneur, you do not have to take any steps. Your SIRET and SIREN numbers will be sent to you by post within 15 days following the creation of your company.


An association under the 1901 law obtains a SIRET number after registering with the Prefecture to obtain legal personality.

Finally, you should know that the SIRET number assigned to each company is made public. To find out the SIRET number and the SIREN number of a company, simply go to the official website of the commercial court registry. As soon as you receive your SIRET number, keep it carefully because you will not have a duplicate.