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How to get a mortgage without supporting documents

How to get a mortgage without supporting documents

The best way to obtain a mortgage from a bank is to present a solid file. The mortgage is indeed a loan of a large sum that commits you for many years. To be sure that the bank will grant your request, you must meet a number of conditions. When studying your file, the bank will therefore need supporting documents. But is it possible to obtain funding without these supporting documents? The answer here.

Real estate credit:demanding financing

Given the importance of mortgage credit compared to consumer credit, banks require borrowers to meet a number of conditions. To avoid payment incidents, the borrower must be financially and professionally stable. He will therefore have to present a regular current account and a permanent employment contract, for example. The borrower is also invited to pay a personal contribution of at least 10% to cover the various costs relating to the purchase.

The greater this contribution, the more its commitment will be strengthened, which will reassure the bank all the more. The debt ratio is an important factor for credit institutions. The 33% rule requires that the customer devotes a maximum of one third of his income to the repayment of his debt. If it is impossible to respect this rate, the loan will be refused, because there will be a risk of over-indebtedness. In terms of security, banks also require loan insurance and in most cases, a bond. If you do not meet most of these conditions, it will be more difficult for you to obtain your mortgage.

Supporting documents for the study of your profile

As you have just seen, obtaining a mortgage assumes that you meet the conditions required by the bank. But to grant you your credit, it must first go through the study of your borrower profile and this is done on the basis of your supporting documents. The documents requested by the credit agencies are the applicant's identity document, proof of address less than 3 months old, account statements for the last three months, the last three pay slips and the schedule of current loans. if there is.

Without these documents, it is impossible for the bank to study your request, which makes it impossible to obtain financing. Some will therefore be tempted to take their steps with online banks insofar as they are deemed to be less demanding. If this is your case, be aware that supporting documents are required, regardless of the lending organization you use. On the other hand, to consult the offers available online, no document will be required. All you have to do is go to a platform offering a mortgage loan simulation, fill out the questionnaire provided and start the search.

How to get a mortgage at the best rate

Borrowers are used to applying for mortgages from their own banks, which is not a bad idea in itself, but still requires attention. Indeed, although your bank is the most likely to grant you your financing because it knows your file, it will not necessarily be the one that will offer you the best rate. Hence the interest of studying other proposals. In this case, why not take advantage of the online comparator? This tool allows you to quickly find the bank that offers the best loan conditions, whether it is a better rate, an optimal repayment period or the possibility of early repayment. By using the comparator, you are able to save money, which can be used to enhance your property.