When applying for a home loan from a bank, it is in your best interest to present a complete file. Not only will this speed up the processing of your file, but it will also demonstrate your seriousness in the eyes of the bank. When you put together your funding application file, you must therefore submit all the necessary documents to avoid having to start the whole process over again. What are the documents to provide in a mortgage loan file? The answer here.
The home loan is a large money loan in which the risk of default is high. The minimum that the bank can do is therefore to ask the borrower to provide personal documents in order to justify his identity. Among the personal documents required is the applicant's identity document. It can be an identity card or a passport, as long as the document allows the identification of the person. Then, you must produce proof of your family situation:family record book, PACS certificate and others. After that, it is also necessary to present a proof of address of less than 3 months. If you are neither a landlord nor a tenant, the person hosting you will be required to certify your accommodation in their home.
The second part of your file will consist of the documents justifying your resources and your income. It is on the basis of these documents that the level of your income, your debt capacity and the proper management of your accounts will be assessed. To allow this assessment, you will produce your pay slips for the last three months before the request, your last three account statements, your last two tax notices as well as supporting documents concerning the possibility of paying a personal contribution. It should be noted that irregularities concerning these supporting documents are likely to jeopardize your financing. Also, before setting up your file, it is important to regularize your situation, whether in relation to loans being reimbursed or in relation to overdrafts on your current account.
Once the personal documents and proof of resources are produced, all that remains is to provide the documents related to the property to be acquired thanks to the credit requested. It depends on the type of property chosen. If it is a new purchase, it is necessary to present the sales agreement or the signed preliminary contract if it concerns an off-plan acquisition. In the case of a construction, it is necessary to provide the plan as well as the building permit. Investment in the old often requires renovations, hence the interest of presenting an estimate of the work.
To obtain a mortgage, the bank sets conditions that no one can derogate from. The most important remains the good financial health of the borrower. To meet the bank's expectations, you must be serious about your expenses, save reasonably, benefit from a stable professional situation and not exceed your maximum debt ratio of 33%. The documents provided in your application file will be used to reassure the bank of your financial health. This is why it is essential to present an impeccable borrower profile. From your file, the establishment is able to quantify the amount of the loan that it can grant you, at what rate and for what duration. The documents to be presented to the bank are not limited to those mentioned above. If you wish, you have the option of adding items that may enhance your profile such as assets or savings investments.