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7 smart Evernote features to streamline your workflow

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We'll show you the best productivity features you never knew were hidden in Evernote.

1. Save your research, writing and thoughts

Evernote serves as your online vault for your writing and research, making it ideal for managing projects and organizing your life. Create a notebook for each project where you can keep your notes, drafts, and web clippings. If your work is published online, you can also save the final published product in the same notebook and put it all in one place.

7 smart Evernote features to streamline your workflow

Choosing Evernote over a local folder on your computer gives you access to your work from anywhere and makes it easy to share it with others. And while cloud-based solutions like Google Docs are great for keeping notes and writing, Evernote's ability to clip entire articles or PDFs to save in a folder gives you a much more centralized experience. Simply put, Evernote stores everything in one place.

7 smart Evernote features to streamline your workflow

In addition to written notes, you can also save audio notes to Evernote. In a work setting, you can use this to save reminders on the go using the mobile app or to record your meetings using the mobile or desktop app.

Free Evernote users are limited to audio notes up to 25MB maximum. Also, users get 50 MB per note and Premium users get 200 MB per note.

2. Replace lazy and fast emails

Collaboration is key to almost everything we do today. Evernote work chat allows you to communicate with other users, but also with people who don't use Evernote yet. You can start a new chat independent of any of your files, or you can exchange comments while sharing a note or notebook.

Unlike Google Doc's chat feature, Work Chats are saved as notes and notebooks, and you can access your chats on the web, desktop, and mobile apps.

Unfortunately, work chat is a feature that is still missing. If you're trying to cut down on the number of services and apps you have to check, Evernote Chat isn't as robust as alternatives like Slack, and it certainly isn't a replacement for email. It makes it easy to quickly chat with other users, without having to leave the window you're in, but it's not a fully working alternative. It's a bit too basic, it becomes hard to keep track of multiple conversations, and you can't tell if someone else is online unless they're looking at the same document.

3. PowerPoint Alternative

Evernote Presentation Mode, available on the desktop app for premium users, is an ideal replacement for PowerPoint 7 Free PowerPoint Alternatives for All Your Presentation Needs 7 Free PowerPoint Alternatives for All Your Presentation Needs Microsoft PowerPoint is a tool fantastic, but you may need an alternative. We've rounded up the best presentation tools, just keep in mind that none of them are as good as the original. Read more.

Evernote offers rich text formatting and you can add images with a simple drag and drop. This makes it easy to include more than basic text in your presentations. However, Evernote encourages a clean and simple presentation.

You can add content to your presentations in real time as you present.

During the presentation, you can use your mouse instead of a laser pointer since your mouse is visible in presentation mode. And to jump from one section to another in your presentation, you can hit the space bar and Evernote will jump to the next section. To insert screen breaks into your notes, you must switch to presentation mode. Go Note> Present and select Presentation layout (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + L). You can then insert and remove screen breaks with the blue plus and minus buttons.

7 smart Evernote features to streamline your workflow

4. Take collaborative notes

If you're not the one presenting at a meeting, you can use Evernote to take notes during meetings. Better yet, instead of relying on a person to take meeting minutes The 12 Best Meeting Minutes Templates for Professionals The 12 Best Meeting Minutes Templates for Professionals Below are the best meeting minutes templates for Microsoft Word, Microsoft OneNote, Evernote, and Google Docs. Read More

If you prefer to have one person take notes during the meeting, they can be easily shared with other team members after the meeting. Either way, Evernote makes meeting management easy. How to Use Evernote to Manage Your Meetings How to Use Evernote to Manage Your Meetings Did you know that Evernote's latest tools and features make it a great app for managing meetings? Read More

5. Scan post-it notes and business cards

It doesn't look like paper business cards are going away anytime soon. Instead of keeping them in a circa 1982 Rolodex, you can use Evernote to scan the cards. How to Scan and Manage Your Business Cards How to Scan and Manage Your Business Cards We trade business cards because our memory sucks. Go ahead and use business card management apps to turn cards into their digital equivalent. All you need is a smartphone and the right scanner app. Read more . This is a smart feature available only to Premium users using the iOS or Android mobile apps.

When you scan a business card, Evernote will automatically extract the contact information and save it as a contact note in Evernote. In settings, you can also let Evernote automatically save that contact to your phone's contacts if you'd like.

Free and paid users will appreciate Evernote's support for Post-it Notes. When you take a photo of a Post-it Note, Evernote will render it so it looks exactly as it is scanned. You can then save it as a Post-it Note instead of saving it as a document.

However you choose to save it, with Evernote's robust search functionality, your handwritten notes are fully searchable and won't get lost in the ether.

The Post-it note feature will work with any shiny Post-it note. You don't have to buy Evernote Enhanced Post-its, but there are some benefits to doing so. Using the streamlined notes (which are about $10 for a pack of four on Amazon) gives you automated organization.

6. Find your save files

Organization will make your life easier. Evernote Search Evernote Search Tips &Tricks The Evernote Search Tips &Tricks Read More feature means you can easily find what you're looking for.

Evernote can search the content of saved PDF files. If you've taken an image of text using the Evernote app, that content is also searchable. Coupled with Evernote's tagging system and its ability to search individual notebooks, it should be relatively easy to find exactly what you're looking for.

7 smart Evernote features to streamline your workflow

Evernote has an extremely robust tagging system. The easiest way to tag your content is to connect it to an automation service like IFTTT How to use Evernote with Google Calendar for maximum benefits How to use Evernote with Google Calendar for maximum benefits Get the most out of your Evernote account and calendar Google With these tips and tools. Read More

7. Annotate PDFs

Evernote Premium users can also annotate PDF files on the desktop or mobile apps. Annotations allow you to add text, shapes, and arrows, and you can also highlight text. This is a great tool for providing comments and edits on documents without having to print them, or open the PDF in another program to annotate it.

To see the feature in action, check out the video below:

Evernote allows you to be more productive

Evernote is a robust service that is great as a standalone product, and works well with other online services as well. 4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Evernote 4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Evernote Evernote can do more than just keep notes and manage information. With the right tools, Evernote apps, and browser extensions, you can turn Evernote into a complete productivity system. Read More

With Evernote, you can save your writing and research, easily search it, share it with your peers, give and receive feedback, and make presentations, all within the cross-platform service. Some of this will come at a cost, which will require a premium account, but in a corporate or startup environment the cost could easily be justified. Placing all these bits and pieces in one place will make it infinitely easier to find what you're looking for, saving you time and hassle in the process.

How do you use Evernote to manage projects, tasks or your work? Let us know in the comments.