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3 Google Drive tricks to speed up your daily workflow

If you use Google Drive regularly, adopting good time-saving habits could result in a much faster workflow than you have now. Take these three, for example.

1. Create new files using bookmarks. If you want to create a new Google Doc, you can do it all at once at Doing this opens a new document right there.

Replace “docs” with “sheets” in the URL above if you want a Google Spreadsheet, with “slides” if you want a Google Presentation, with “drawings” if you want a Google Drawing, and so on.

Bookmark these URLs and it won't take more than a couple of clicks to create any new file type in Google Drive.

3 Google Drive tricks to speed up your daily workflow

2. Start with a template. Templates are a sensible (and awesome) way to tackle repetitive tasks with minimal effort. 24 Google Docs Templates That'll Make Your Life Easier 24 Google Docs Templates That'll Make Your Life Easier Templates can save you a lot of time. We've compiled 24 time-saving Google Docs templates for work, health, home, and travel. Get on with your projects, instead of struggling to put documents together. Read More:Tasks like creating outlines, newsletters, checklists, etc.

You can start with one of the default templates through the home screen of the type of template you want to create. For example, if you want to use a Google Docs template, visit .

3. Add shared files to your drive. When people share files with you on Google Drive, you'll see them in the Share with me list. section. But actually they are not. in your unit. Only links to them are.

3 Google Drive tricks to speed up your daily workflow

You can Save those shared files to your drive. That's what the Add to Unit button on the toolbar at the top is for.

To get the most out of this popular cloud storage service, bookmark our guide on Google Drive The only Google Drive guide you'll ever need to read The only Google Drive guide you'll ever need to read Google Drive is the perfect combination of online archiving tools document storage and management. We explain how to best use Google Drive online and offline, on your own and in collaboration with others. Read more.

What are you Secrets to a fast and smooth workflow in Google Drive? Share them with us in the comments!