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How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Life can blind us with its routine. Let's go to Google and open new opportunities to improve your life? The simple act of recording life with Google Sheets can uncover details that often go unnoticed. You don't have to sweat because you can do it automatically. No special knowledge is required..

In this article, we are going to cover five specific examples of how to A daily record of the activities of your life. It can be used to identify opportunities. These could uncover opportunities to improve your health, save money, or even your relationships.

The examples used here only require a simple Google Script code to create the automated registration and notifications. If you want, you can copy the scripts directly from this article and into your own Google Sheet project.

Get weight log reminders

When you're done setting up this automation, all you have to do is remember to step on your smart scale every day.

This will send a new entry to your google sheet. However, if you go more than a week without stepping on the scale, you will receive an email reminding you to weigh yourself.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

The important thing for this automation to work is that you buy a smart scale that provides a way to record your weight in Google Sheets automatically. There are usually several ways to accomplish this depending on the manufacturer.

  • The scale can allow you to send an email notification, which you can use to trigger an IFTTT action that writes the weight to a Google Sheet.
  • Scaling can be supported by IFTTT, so just select it in IFTT as the trigger and choose Google Sheets as the action.
  • Direct Google Sheets integration may be available.

Be sure to do your homework before you buy the scale so you know it will allow you to record your weight.

In my case, I couldn't do my homework. The Weight Gurus smart scale doesn't provide an automatic output for email or IFTTT, but the app does allow me to export all weight recordings to a CSV file, which I export to Google Sheets every day.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

This is not ideal, and hopefully you have purchased a smart scale that will automatically register using one of the three solutions above.

Once the scale is sending new data to Google Sheets, the next step is to create a Google script that checks every day if you have weighed yourself.

To create this new script, open that Google Sheet where your weight is recorded and select Tools from the menu, then Script Editor .

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

In the script editor, paste the following code and save it as a new project.

function myFunction () var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet (); hoja var = ss.getActiveSheet (); var lastRow = CountColA (); var lastDate = new Date (sheet.getRange (lastRow, 1) .getValues ​​()); var thisDate = new Date (); var DateDiff = (thisDate.getTime () - lastDate.getTime ()) / 1000/60/60/24; if (DateDiff> 7) MailApp.sendEmail ("[email protected]", "Recordatorio de registro de peso", "No te has pesado en" + DateDiff.toString () + "days!");  function CountColA () var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet (); var data = sheet.getDataRange (). getValues ​​(); para (var i = data.length-1; i> = 0; i -) if (data [i] [0]! = null && data [i] [0]! = ") return i + 1 ;

The way this code works is as follows.

  1. Use the CountColA function to identify the last row of data in the sheet.
  2. Extracts the date value from the last row and subtracts it from today's date.
  3. Convert the date difference from milliseconds to days..
  4. If more than seven days have passed since the last login, the script will send a reminder email.

If you're curious about how sending email through Google Scripts works, we've covered the details in another article. Finally, you just need to set the script to run every day. To do this, in the script editor, click Edit , and then Current Project Assets .

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Set your new feature to activate as Time Driven event using the Day timer , and set when you want the script to run every day.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

I've set my script to run every morning before my alarm goes off, so I'll see my email reminder first thing in the morning.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

It's a really useful way to never forget to weigh yourself. By weighing yourself frequently, you'll always be aware of where you stand on your health.

See who is losing power at home

There is nothing more frustrating for a homeowner than seeing their heating or cooling bill go up month after month, and having no idea what is causing it.

There are many ways to track your home's energy use. 7 Nifty Gadgets to Monitor Your Home's Energy Usage. 7 Nifty Gadgets to Monitor Your Home's Energy Usage. These energy control gadgets are some of the most useful smart home technology available today. Save money (and the environment) by easily monitoring your home's energy use with these easy-to-use devices! Read more . A good way to keep track of where you may be losing air (hot or cold) to the outside is by monitoring How often do people open and close the front door? of your house. A great gadget for this is a wireless indoor or outdoor camera that is pointed at the entrance.

Just about any wireless camera you buy these days lets you send motion notifications via email. For example, I use the ReoLink Argus 2 indoor/outdoor camera, and it allows up to three email accounts to receive notifications.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

These notifications arrive in the following format..

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

You will need to determine the incoming email address or subject line to use when receiving motion detection alerts.

You can then use this in IFTTT when setting the trigger for your applet.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Then configure the action in IFTTT to write a line of data that includes the date and time of the alert.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Once it's set up, you'll have a complete record of every day and time your front door was opened.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

In this format, it's pretty easy to see if there are days when the front door opens and closes excessively.

Even better, if your wireless camera is set to send a snapshot when there's motion, you can check your incoming email during those times and see who's to blame!

Automatic gym reminders

Another useful thing to sign in with Google Sheets is gym visits. It is very easy to forget to go to the gym or make excuses not to go. Sometimes all you need is a little encouragement.

Tracking how often you go will provide a record of your achievements. Check back often and watch the sheet fill up.

The best way to do this is to use IFTTT. Specifically the location trigger. Just type the address of your gym in the address field.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Create the trigger, and then choose Google Sheets as the action. The important data point is just the date, so be sure to leave at least the Occurred ingredient.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

You will now have a record of the day and time you visited the gym every day.

A visual record of your success in going to the gym is great. But what if you just decide not to go and don't even check the spreadsheet?

One solution to this is to turn on an automated reminder email using the same script as the weight logging script in the first section of this article.

You just need to change the IF statement so that the outgoing email looks like this:

if (DateDiff> 2) MailApp.sendEmail ("[email protected]", "Recordatorio de ejercicios", "Han sido" + DateDiff.toString () + "días desde que has entrenado. Llévate al gimnasio. ! ");  

You will now receive a gentle reminder if you go more than two days without going to the gym!

Sleep better

Whether you have a Fitbit, Apple Watch, or Samsung Smart Watch, you have easy access to how well you're sleeping each night.

Keeping a history of that data can really help you understand different things that are hurting or helping your sleep patterns. Sleep faster and better with these 5 ways to fight insomnia Sleep faster and better with these 5 ways to fight insomnia Lack of sleep or lack of sleep Serious health effects. Here are some of the best online resources to help you fall asleep faster and sounder. Try these sleep tech apps and sites today. Read more.

Not all solutions offer a way to record information in a spreadsheet. For example, Samsung Gear will record your sleeping patterns in the Samsung Health app.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

You can scroll back and forth in time in this app to see what your sleep patterns were like over time, but there's no easy way to do data analysis on numbers.

On the other hand, if you have a Fitbit, it's a different story.

Fitbit Integrates with IFTTT Take Your Fitness to the Next Level With Fitbit and IFTTT Take Your Fitness to the Next Level with Fitbit and IFTTT Here, we'll dive into the many ways Fitbit and IFTTT can work together to make your life better. Read More

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

You don't need a Fitbit to get great sleep tracking. Khamosh liked the Apple Watch's sleep tracking. Everything the Apple Watch does better than the Fitbit. Charge everything Apple Watch does better than Fitbit Charge Think of a Fitbit? The Apple Watch is better at just about everything. Read More

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Actually, you don't need to use Samsung Health at all, as Sleep as Android is directly compatible with your Samsung Gear (S2 and S3) smartwatch.

Sleep since Android supports IFTTT, but you need to configure it through a webhook following the instructions in the user guide.

Once you're tracking the number of hours per night you're sleeping in Google Sheets, you can start trying to correlate that data with other events that happened in your life during that time.

Some examples of what you can learn from this data:

  • Is your quality of sleep better when you go to bed early or late?
  • Do you sleep better during certain seasons??
  • Are you sleeping better on certain days of the week?
  • Do training days (from your previous log) affect the quality of your sleep?

By understanding what patterns lead to better sleep, you'll have the knowledge you need to improve your chances of waking up much better rested in the morning.

Trending SMS activity with spouse

Has your spouse ever claimed that you don't pay enough attention to them?

Maybe you've been too busy lately and forgot to text during the day like you usually do.?

You can create a very quick Google Sheets log that will remind you if it's been too long since you texted your spouse.

All you have to do is create an IFTTT recipe with Android SMS as the trigger.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Write your spouse's phone number as the "send to" phone number. This will trigger the applet every time you text your spouse.

For the activation action, choose Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet.

How to Automatically Record Your Daily Life in Google Sheets

Now all you have to do is go into Google Sheet and create a Google Script like in the first section of this article.

Modify the number of days you want to alert and edit the email send section of the code to something like this:

if (DateDiff> 4) MailApp.sendEmail ("[email protected]", "Spousal Reminder", "Ha sido" + DateDiff.toString () + "días desde que le enviaste un mensaje a tu cónyuge. Estás siendo negligente. ! ");  

Yes, it's probably sad that you need an automatic reminder to reach out to your spouse and say "I love you," but is it better than forgetting and not doing it at all?

Google Sheets helps you track your life

These are just a few examples of the ways you can take advantage of Google Sheets to improve your life.

It's so easy to collect data from your life in Google Sheets. In just about every area of ​​your life, there's probably a way to track and even create notifications that can help you improve in some way.

If you like what we've done here with scripts in Google Sheets, you'll enjoy our more advanced article on Google Scripts That Make Google Sheets More Powerful 4 Google Scripts That Make Sheets More Powerful More Powerful Google Sheets 4 Google Scripts That Make Google Sheets Much More Powerful Google Sheets is great, but it can be even more powerful if you use Google Scripts to enhance its capabilities. Read more.