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How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

An excellent number of Microsoft Office recipes recently appeared on the Serial Web Service Linkers site The Ultimate IFTTT Guide:Use the Web's Most Powerful Tool Like a Pro The Ultimate IFTTT Guide:Use the Web's Most Powerful Tool like a pro if this is so , also known as IFTTT, is a free web-based service for your apps and devices to work together. Not sure how to build your applet? Follow along with this guide. Read more, IFTTT. Recipes, developed by Microsoft with the help of IFTTT, focus on connecting Microsoft Office services to, well, everything else on the web IFTTT Now Connects to Anything:Introducing the Maker Channel IFTTT Now Connects to Anything :Introducing the Maker Channel The potential uses for IFTTT are endless. But until now, it has been difficult to interface with your own hardware projects. Today, all that has changed. Read more . And they haven't skimped on the recipes either, now with over 50 connections up and running and more ready to arrive.

Let's take a quick look at eight of the best Microsoft Office connections from the ever-expanding IFTTT cookbook.

What is IFTTT??

IFTTT is an abbreviation for “me F T your T hen T hat,” and is pronounced like “gift” but without the “sun.” They specialize in connecting web services using simple conditional statements, giving rise to the name. For example, a user may create a recipe statement consisting of “If I upload this image to Instagram, then upload that image to OneDrive. ” Starting as a web-only operation, IFTTT expanded to iOS first, followed shortly by Android.

The Microsoft Office IFTTT channel

In July, just before the release of Windows 10, Microsoft quietly announced the launch of an Office 365 channel on IFTTT. The channel initially focused on Mail 5 Legendary Windows Tools Replaced With New Features 5 Legendary Windows Tools Replaced With New Features Windows includes many tools you use every day, but some have outlasted others. Here are parts of Windows that no longer exist. Read More 6 Simple time management and productivity apps for Windows 6 Simple time management and productivity apps for Windows Could your computer help you get more work done? done? It certainly can. Great organization software can make you more productive. It's a matter of working smarter instead of harder. Read more . A series of actions for the customizable Do action app IFTTT Launches Do Note, Do Button, Do Camera for one-touch actions IFTTT Launches Do Note, Do Button, Do Camera for one-touch actions Popular "If This then That" IFTTT service has launched three new apps that are sure to make your life a little easier. Learn everything you need to know about them! Read More You can choose from over 50 recipes, but here are our top picks.

1. Add a new contact to a Twitter list

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

Every time you add a new contact to your Office 365 contact list, if they provide the correct information, IFTTT will add them to a default Twitter list. Most Influential Twitter List:Which World Leaders Made the Cut? Most Influential Twitter List:Which World Leaders Made the Cut? A recently released report examined the world's most followed leaders, most influential, most active and social media trends surrounding A-listers. Some of their findings might surprise you. Read more . Handy if you meet people on the go, are passionate about updating your digital rolodex, or meticulously follow your contacts on social media. A friend of mine who runs a public relations company thinks this is wonderful!

2. Create a new task in Todoist when you receive a high priority email

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

I only recently started using this recipe, but it certainly helped me prioritize my email in such a short amount of time. I use Outlook, and it's nice to have a running log on my desk and phone of what I need to remember to email while I'm on the go.

3. Send an email when there is a new post on a Subreddit

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

This recipe is great for keeping up with the silent subreddits The Most Social Subreddits and How to Find Them The Most Social Subreddits and How to Find Them Read More, but it can get out of hand faster than any other post a day. I tried it with /r/soccer, and quickly hated myself. On the other hand, I tried /r/coys (my football club) Top 5 Soccer (Football) Games You've Probably Never Played, But It Should Be In The Top 5 Soccer (Football) Games You've Probably Never Played, But You Should if you feel like Even though you've played the latest high-profile titles to death, there are alternatives to the armchair-weary pro from FIFA, PES, Football Manager and the rest (Read More subreddit), and I found I could engage more with new and emerging positions.

4. Archive photos you upload to a Facebook Page with #onedrive in Caption to OneDrive for Business

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

This is another one I haven't used. also A lot, but it has been useful to keep track of the images of the two Facebook business pages. Your business can reach fans on Facebook:Here's how your business can reach fans on Facebook:Here's how you can get free Facebook marketing. It can be challenging to effectively advertise to your customers on Facebook, but it's certainly not impossible. Read More I deal with While the action isn't really that surprising, it means business owners and myself won't be reusing an image, as long as we review OneDrive How to disable and replace OneDrive in Windows 10 How to disable and replace OneDrive in Windows 10 OneDrive it is deeply embedded in Windows 10 and Microsoft might tell you that it is not possible to remove it. Well, not unless you're willing to dig deeper. Here's how to remove OneDrive from Windows... Read More for updates.

5. Send email with your current location

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

This is a recipe for the Do Button 9 Simple IFTTT DO Button Tricks to Quickly Automate Your Life 9 Simple IFTTT DO Button Tricks to Quickly Automate Your Life Whether or not you use the popular IFTTT service, you'll be able to install and configure it. press the "DO" button cheats to automate and simplify your life. Read more . Well, not a recipe, a single action performed by a button. This button sends an automated email from Outlook How to overwhelm your emails in Microsoft Outlook How to overwhelm your emails in Microsoft Outlook Don't let your emails monopolize your day, use these Outlook tips to take back control of your Inbox. Read More It can be useful in meetings, or if you are driving, or if you are extremely lost and no one can find you. You have no idea where you are? Please email the office to have muffins delivered to your location.

6. Send a note to the entire office that food is here

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

Another Do button that will probably make you the hero of the office, though you may not be a productivity hero. 4 Popular Productivity Tips to Ignore 4 Popular Productivity Tips to Ignore Some of the productivity ideas being sold to us are sometimes unfounded and often wrong. We're going to debunk some of these productivity myths by showing that the opposite can be true. Read more . The button sends a short note to all of your Office 365. An introduction to Office 365:Should you buy the new Office business model? An introduction to Office 365:Should you buy the new Office business model? Office 365 is a subscription-based suite that offers access to the latest Office desktop suite, Office Online, cloud storage, and premium mobile apps. Does Office 365 provide enough value to be worth the money? Read More This can also be customized to fire everyone in the office or give them a raise. Use with care!

7. Download new songs you like to OneDrive

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

This recipe downloads any new song. Likes on the music publishing platform, SoundCloud. It helps you keep track of the countless tunes you can explore in one night, by organizing them in a neat little OneDrive folder. Users should note that this service only works with tracks marked for public download.

8. raining tomorrow? Add a calendar reminder to grab an umbrella

How to automate Microsoft Office tasks with IFTTT recipes

One of the simplest, but can save everyone's day reminders:It's going to rain later, so remember to bring your umbrella. So many times stuck without, so many days in the UK where my dreadlocks turn into the most efficient towels you have ever seen. If only I set up one IFTTT recipe...

IFTTT Office Automation Overview

These are just eight of the 50+ recipes available to you on the Microsoft Office channel. It's great to see Microsoft embracing IFTTT to give regular users options in their web apps. For example, I have never used Yammer 6 ways to create your own private social network 6 ways to create your own private social network A private social network? No, it is not an oxymoron. If you have privacy concerns, or just want to create your own social network, there are some solid Facebook alternatives. Read More I do use Slack for work though. Slack makes group communication faster and easier. Slack makes group communication faster and easier. It's time to put email clients to sleep and use collaboration services like the recently launched Slack. Read More muchas formas para traer información dentro de Slack, pero hay pocas integraciones que le permiten controlar servicios externos desde Slack, hasta ahora. Leer más ahorra un poco de tiempo aquí y allá, cada día..

Esperemos que Microsoft mantenga su aumentar la productividad y preparar algunas recetas más con las que jugar.

¿Cuáles son tus IFTTT favoritos de Microsoft Office? ¿Acelera tu día o es solo una pequeña y agradable herramienta para jugar? Déjanos saber que piensas abajo!