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How to find all the Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts you may need

If you haven't noticed, we're big fans of keyboard shortcuts, and you should too. With a little practice, you can even navigate Windows without a mouse. Navigating Windows Using Keyboard Shortcuts Only Navigating Windows Using Keyboard Shortcuts Only You may know a lot of keyboard shortcuts, but did you know you could get around Windows without your mouse? That is how. Read More Although we have compiled the ultimate list of keyboard shortcuts Windows Keyboard Shortcuts 101:The Ultimate Guide Windows Keyboard Shortcuts 101:The Ultimate Guide Keyboard shortcuts can save you many hours. Master the universal Windows keyboard shortcuts, keyboard tricks for specific programs, and a few other tips to speed up your work. Read More

Instead, today we're going to employ a trick inside Word that will include all the shortcuts there are for you:nothing knows its own shortcuts better than the program itself, right? Here's how to get a master list of keyboard shortcuts for Word and your other favorite Office programs.

A note about plugins

Add-ins can enhance your Office experience (check out the top ten add-ins for Excel Power Up Excel With 10 Add-ins To Process, Analyze, And Visualize Data Like A Pro Power Up Excel With 10 Add-ins To Process, Analyze, And Visualize Data Like A Pro Vanilla Excel it's amazing, but you can make it even more powerful with add-ins. Whatever kind of data you need to process, chances are someone has built an Excel application for it. Here's a selection. Learn more) get from a copy of values. However, they can also cause stability issues with Word, and more importantly, for this discussion, changing the default keyboard shortcuts.

If you want to run Vanilla Word to make sure none of your add-ins include their shortcuts in their master list, there are two ways to start the program in Safe Mode, which disables add-ins.

The easiest way is to search for the program How to Search Better and Faster in Windows 8 How to Search Better and Faster in Windows 8 The search features in Windows 8 are pretty robust once you get used to them. You can use modern and desktop approaches to search your computer and the Internet. Know more! Read More while clicking on it. You will be asked if you want to boot into Safe Mode; choose Yes and continue.

How to find all the Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts you may need

If you want to do it the “geeky” 6 Clever Windows Tips and Tricks for Geeks 6 Clever Windows Tips and Tricks for Geeks Windows is a complex beast. It never ceases to amaze us how much you can do with it. Here are some Windows tips and tricks that you might not know about yet. Read More First, find out where the executable program is located on your PC. To do this easily, find its executable name (winword.exe), right-click its icon and choose Open File Location . Then simply copy its path into the Windows Explorer navigation bar. If you are on a 64-bit system, the location of these executables for Office 2013 will likely be the following line:

C: \ Archivos de programa (x86) \ Microsoft Office \ Office15 \ winword.exe 

How to find all the Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts you may need

After copying the file path, open a command line The Windows Command Line:Simpler and More Useful Than You Think The Windows Command Line:Simpler and More Useful Than You Think Commands haven't always been been the same, in fact some have been removed while other new commands appeared, even with Windows 7 in fact. So why would anyone want to bother clicking the start... Read More and Paste The location. To finish, type another quote to close the path, then a single space, followed by /a . If you're following from above, the command you'll type for Word is

"C: \ Archivos de programa (x86) \ Microsoft Office \ Office15 \ winword.exe" / a 

This launches Word without add-ons. You can then close the command prompt and continue. If you want to check what plugins you are using out of curiosity, go to File> Options> Plugins to see the full list.

Word keyboard shortcuts

Most people use Word in some way (especially since you can get it for free. This is how you can get Microsoft Word for free. This is how you can get Microsoft Word for free. Don't want to pay for the full Microsoft Word experience? Don't worry , here are some ways to use Microsoft Word for free Read More), making it a great place to start your collection of shortcut lists.

A list of all shortcuts

To quickly open the list of available macros, use a shortcut (the irony):ALT + F8 , or View tab> Macros> View macros . Once there, change the Macros on box for Word commands . From the long list that appears, you want to choose ListCommands and run that.

How to find all the Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts you may need

Now, you'll have to choose whether you want your list to include all Word commands or just the current keyboard options. Unless you want a completely exhaustive sheet, Current keyboard configurations is the best option. The entire list generates a massive 76-page document that will likely end up being completely confusing rather than saving you time Using Microsoft Word? How to become a time-saving ninja using Microsoft Word? Here's how to become a time-saving ninja Over the years, Microsoft Word has become one of the best word processors in the world. I'm sure there are people out there who disagree, especially people with Linux or Mac who would really prefer... Read More

The 10-page list of frequently used commands, i.e. the current keyboard settings, is much easier to digest. Once you've created it, simply run the process above to export it to a PDF and you'll have a personal list you can refer to at any time!

How to find all the Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts you may need

If you're wondering how best to print or save the above list, skip to the end of the next section for tips on how to print to PDF. 7 Best tools to print to PDF. 7 Best tools to print to PDF. No single version of Windows comes with a native print-to-PDF solution. So what is the best alternative? We checked 8 of the most popular options to find out. Read more.

Print custom shortcuts

In case you need a list of shortcuts that you or someone else has created manually, use this method to print custom shortcuts Set up custom shortcut keys in MS Word and make a cheat sheet Set up custom shortcut keys in MS Word and make a cheat sheet Read More .

First, open a new Word document and go to File Menu in the upper left corner. Next, you should go to the Printing tab - yes, we're jumping right into print! You won't have to worry about typing anything yourself this time.

Once you are in the Print In this section, you will need to switch to an option that you have probably never seen before. Under Settings , the first option probably says Print all pages . Click on that list and change it to Key Assignments , which is near the bottom.

How to find all the Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts you may need

Now, you will have to choose where you want to send the list; Make your selection in Printer . You could physically print your document if you want to hang it as a reference on your desk, but paperless The future is here:your guide to living paperless today The future is here, your guide to living paperless today Paperless:a a term that is used quite often today. But what does it mean? And to what extent is it applied? Certainly, we all still use paper to some extent despite advancements... Read More

As we discussed earlier, you don't really need Adobe Reader on your computer. That's why you don't need Adobe Reader. That's why you don't need Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader is bloated, slow, and a liability. In short, it is unnecessary. Do you need a PDF reader at all? Here's how to open PDF files without Adobe Reader. Read more; Here it shows its uselessness as you will need another tool to print to PDF. If you are using Windows 10, you can simply select the new Microsoft Print to PDF printing machine. Otherwise, Foxit Reader, a lightweight alternative to Adobe Reader 6 Lightweight Alternatives to Open Office and PDF Files 6 Lightweight Alternatives to Open Office and PDF Files Don't clog your system with superfluous bulk. For occasional viewing of PDF and Office files, you can use compact applications and may not need any additional software. Read More Once it's installed, you can choose it as your printer option, then Printing will send it out. Choose a save location and file name, and we're done with step one.

How to find all the Microsoft Office keyboard shortcuts you may need

Other programs

Unfortunately, this little trick doesn't work in any other Office program, only Word. This is a shame, as this automatic listing saves you time and comes directly from the program, so you know it's correct. However, all is not lost. The best option if you need a similar list for other programs is to export a list from the web to a PDF. Here you have everything you need for that..

First, find a master list of keyboard shortcuts for the Office program you want. Using an official list from Microsoft is a good idea, as they are fairly comprehensive and less likely to contain errors. You can find them in Help (press F1 while in the application) or on the following pages:

  • List of Excel 2013 shortcuts
  • PowerPoint 2013/2016 Shortcut List
  • List of Outlook 2013/2016 shortcuts
  • List of OneNote 2013/2016 shortcuts

Once you are on the corresponding page, simply press CTRL + P to bring up the Print dialog. Here, you can choose to make the document grayscale or change other options as detailed in our top webpage printing tips Top tips and tools to help with print webpages Top tips and tools to help with print webpages printing No matter how hard you try to go paperless, sometimes you just need to print that one web page. It can be for directions, an article for the class, a handout for a meeting at work, etc. Like... read more Just like the Word process, you can physically print it or send it to a PDF. These four pages are between 8 and 22 pages long, so keep that in mind if you plan to print them.

If you prefer a more barebones text version of the page, you can press CTRL + A to select the entire webpage and paste it into Word, then remove any images, crop unnecessary text, or change the font size before exporting to PDF. Or you can use a tool like PrintWhatYouLike to create a print-friendly version 3 Easy Bookmarklets To Print Nice Nice Web Pages Without Craplets 3 Easy Bookmarklets To Print Nice Nice Web Pages Without Craplets Printing information from the web is often a challenge because Websites are plastered with sidebars, images, ads, and other non-printable elements. What makes a website look fantastic is a real drag when printed because every... Read More

Repeat this for each program, and you'll have a nice collection of PDF files ready to be referenced. If you want to bookmark them or send them to your friends, Google Drive can enhance your PDF files. 10 Tips to do more with your PDF files in Google Drive. 10 Tips to do more with your PDF files in Google Drive. To collaborate in Docs, Drive is an office suite that works at full capacity. What many people don't realize is its ability to do much more than just view PDF files. Read more.

The power of lists

Now you have handy, personalized lists for your favorite Office keyboard shortcuts. With Office 2016 on the Horizon A Microsoft Office 2016 Preview:Smart and Subtle Changes A Microsoft Office 2016 Preview:Smart and Subtle Changes Office 2016 for Mac has just been released and the Windows version will follow in the fall. We show you the new look and features of the world's most popular productivity suite. Will you update? Read More In any case, committing to learning a few shortcuts each week or day will do wonders for your productivity, and in no time you'll be zipping through your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations without using a mouse.

Looking to be even more productive with Office? Check Out Hidden Word Features To Make Your Life Easier 10 Hidden Microsoft Word Features That Will Make Your Life Easier 10 Hidden Microsoft Word Features That Will Make Your Life Easier Microsoft Word is deceptively simple. You're fine as long as you activate a document and just type. But Microsoft Word wouldn't be the Swiss knife without its productive features. Read More 10 Simple Office 2013 tips that will make you more productive. 10 Simple Office 2013 tips that will make you more productive. Common skills employers are looking for. So be smarter with these ten easy Office 2013 tips and get more free time at the water cooler. Read more.

What are your reference shortcuts when working in Office? Do you use a lot of custom combinations or are you fine with stock keyboard mappings? Leave a comment and tell us how the shortcuts help you!