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How to move the page and navigation tabs in OneNote

There are many reasons to prefer OneNote over its alternatives Evernote vs. OneNote:Which Note-Taking App Is Right For You? Evernote vs. OneNote:Which Note-Taking App Is Right For You? Evernote and OneNote are amazing note-taking apps. It is difficult to choose between the two. We compare everything from the interface to the organization of notes to help you choose. What works best for you? Read More Some people don't like how OneNote looks out of the box, and maybe you're one of them. The good news is that these adjustments can make it more attractive.

Please note that these options are only available in the desktop version of OneNote. Which free OneNote app should I use on Windows? desktop app vs. store Which free OneNote app should I use on Windows? Desktop app vs. Store OneNote comes in two different versions:a desktop app and a Windows Store app. Both are free! Let us show you how they are different, so you can choose the one that suits you best. Read More

How to move the page and navigation tabs in OneNote

How to move the page and navigation tabs in OneNote

How to move the page and navigation tabs in OneNote

All you have to do is go to File> Options , then navigate to the Monitor category. Here you will find the two relevant options that you can change:

  • Page tabs appear on the left.
  • The navigation bar appears on the left

Unchecked, they will appear on the right. Checked, they will appear on the left. You can change them or have them on the same side, it's up to you. And yes, you can change the size of both bars if you want!

Another similar setting you may be interested in is called The vertical scroll bar appears on the left , which puts the main note area's scroll bar on the left side.

New to OneNote? Here's a Handful of Little Features You Should Be Using 7 Little-Known OneNote Features You'll Love 7 Little-Known OneNote Features You'll Love OneNote is 100% free and packed with advanced features. Let's take a look at some of the ones you may have missed. If you're not already using OneNote, these may beat you to it. Read More but when used correctly they can propel your organization and productivity to new heights. Read More This feature can make OneNote more productive than Evernote. This feature can make OneNote more productive than Evernote. The choice between OneNote and Evernote can be a tough one, but here's a feature that can sidetrack you forever. Read more . Get the most out of this amazing app!

How do you prefer your OneNote interface to be set up? Would you like more interface customization options or is it good enough? Let us know in a comment below!