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The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it's free

While Evernote vs. OneNote Evernote vs. OneNote:Which Note-Taking App Is Right For You? Evernote vs. OneNote:Which Note-Taking App Is Right For You? Evernote and OneNote are amazing note-taking apps. It is difficult to choose between the two. We compare everything from the interface to the organization of notes to help you choose. What works best for you? Learn More The battle continues, alternative note-taking apps continue to be ignored. And for good reason.

Evernote and OneNote are two very popular note-taking apps. If you're looking for ways to better organize and use your digital notes, choosing between Evernote and OneNote will be the hardest decision in note-taking.

If you decide to use Evernote, it's basic. and advanced features Maximize Evernote with 5 powerful features Maximize Evernote with 5 powerful features With over 100 million users, Evernote is arguably the web's favorite note-saving and productivity tool. We're spotlighting 5 underappreciated Evernote features and detailing their value. Read More But if you decide against Evernote, you will be surprised by the number of alternative note taking apps Springpad vs Catch vs Evernote vs OneNote - Which is the best on Android? Springpad vs Catch vs Evernote vs OneNote - Which is the best on Android? At one point, people had to carry notebooks if they wanted to take notes. Do you remember the great fashion of Moleskine notebooks? Today, smartphones have made most pocket-sized items obsolete. Why carry around... Read more available.

Let me make this decision easy for you. If you're looking for an Evernote alternative, choose OneNote.

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

Note:I am an active user of OneNote and Evernote. Both apps have their drawbacks, but between them, they should cover almost all of your note-taking needs.

Most other alternatives aren't terrible. Many are perfectly... respectable . But after introducing you to these alternatives, I'll show you exactly why OneNote should (with respect) be your only real alternative to Evernote.

Evernote alternatives and their drawbacks

When you search the web for alternatives to Evernote, you will find many applications. Some of the most often recommended are listed below. They can do some tasks well, but I wouldn't put them in the same league as Evernote and OneNote for note-taking functionality.

Simplenote:Nice, but too basic

Simplenote is a free, lightweight note-taking app available on most mobile platforms and as a web app. Works well for keeping searchable lists or text-based notes (it's like Notepad 2.0).

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

Main drawbacks: Missing data types. If you want to save web clippings, images, videos, and scanned documents, look no further.

Google Keep:Google will probably kill you

Google Keep (Web, Android, iOS) fits somewhere between SimpleNote and OneNote. Notes can consist of text, images, and audio, and can be easily shared with other users. Reminders can be set and basic OCR features are available. Keep also has a Chrome extension, so you can clip web pages, quotes, and images to your account.

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

Main drawbacks: You can't organize notes in notebooks. If you have a lot of notes, this will soon turn into a nightmare. And google keeps killing their services (Hello Picasa, Reader, iGoogle!). How long until kills do they keep?

DEVONthink:more than one file organizer

DEVONthink is a Mac app (starting at $49.95) that's great for organizing files and documents (rather than creating notes) using folders and tabs. Virtually all file types are supported. Images and PDF files can be converted to text for easy searching. You can even host your files on a local web server. If all you want to do is organize your files, DEVONthink is a powerful option. But if you want to take notes and application of the organization, this is not so.

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

Main drawbacks: The user interface is pretty horrible. The upfront cost is high. On mobile, the functionality is extremely limited. It is only available on Mac. This is an organization document application, instead of a Take note application.

Quip:You fight with many docs

Quip is a collaboration app designed specifically for teams to create and edit documents (mainly text files and spreadsheets) in real time. Revision history and document chat features make this a great alternative to Microsoft Office or Google Docs for teams. However, it is not designed to capture a wide variety of content, thoughts and ideas, and then organize them.

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

Main drawbacks: Limited organization options make it difficult to classify a large number of documents. Finding your notes/documents again is also more difficult in Quip than it is in Evernote and OneNote. No labels.

And then there's OneNote

I love OneNote, and much of this document is about convincing you to use it if you decide not to use Evernote (another app I love). But before you put OneNote up on a pedestal, there are two things worth mentioning:

  • OneNote's interface is similar to other Microsoft Office programs, but the workflow is completely different from other note-taking applications. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it's worth it.
  • The Mac version of OneNote The Essential Guide to OneNote for Mac The Essential Guide to OneNote for Mac OneNote is a free, cross-platform note-taking app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Our short guide summarizes everything you need to know. Forget your hate for Microsoft and try OneNote with us today. Read more has a lot Fewer features than the Windows version. If you are a Mac user, you cannot use the OCR function or easily add documents created in other Office programs. You also cannot use the pen function. Let's hope Microsoft shows Mac users some mercy soon. But even without these features, it's still a fantastic app for Mac.

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

We have written another article that provides a complete introduction to OneNote How to use OneNote like a famous scientist. How to use OneNote like a famous scientist. Charles Darwin would have loved OneNote. He was an avid note taker who recorded everything he observed. Here's how he could have used OneNote to organize his work and further his research. Read more . And another one that shows you a ton of ways you could use OneNote. 10 Unique Ways to Use Microsoft OneNote 10 Unique Ways to Use Microsoft OneNote OneNote is one of the most underrated apps from Microsoft. It is available on almost all platforms and can do a lot of tricks that you would not expect from a note keeping app. Read More But in terms of what makes OneNote really stand out from other note-taking apps, there are five main factors.

1. is Currently Free

If you've been using the free version of Evernote for a while, you've probably been repeatedly bugged to upgrade to the paid version. It's the same with most other note-taking apps (unless they charge a one-time fee like DEVONthink).

OneNote is currently free. Even for people who don't have Microsoft Office. This is a great benefit if you plan to use the note-taking app for years to come.

2. It's a completely free canvas.

In Paper Notebooks 6 Simple Reasons Why Paper Can Still Be Your Killer Productivity App 6 Simple Reasons Why Paper Can Still Be Your Killer Productivity App Paper can be a more powerful tool for productivity than a computer or a touch device, and shouldn't be immediately fired. Not convinced? Here are six reasons why the role is still relevant. Lea más, cada página es un lienzo completamente en blanco que se puede garabatear y organizado exactamente como quieras . Cada página puede ser completamente diferente. Cada aplicación mencionada en este artículo limita la estructura de sus notas. OneNote, sin embargo, en realidad imita la experiencia del cuaderno de papel. Esto fue un cambio de juego completo para mí.

Puede mover todos los elementos de su nota a cualquier lugar de la página. Puedes garabatear con un lápiz. Y puedes incluir todas las formas de multimedia dentro de cada nota. Ninguna otra aplicación lo hace tan fácil, ni lo hace sentir similar, a garabatear en un cuaderno de papel.

3. Organización que tiene sentido

Como se mencionó anteriormente, las herramientas de organización para Quip y Google Keep no son excelentes. Son esencialmente listas de archivos dentro de carpetas. Evernote funciona de una manera muy similar. Alternativamente, OneNote ha logrado encontrar una forma visualmente limpia de organizar un montón de notas que solo tiene sentido .

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

Cada cuaderno está compuesto de pestañas (como los separadores de encuadernación con anillos). Dentro de cada pestaña hay una selección de páginas (sus notas). Cada página es un lienzo de forma libre. Puede que no parezca mucho, pero una vez que comienzas a organizar notas como esta en OneNote, es difícil regresar.

4. Formato que entiendes

Como OneNote usa la misma barra de herramientas de formato de texto que se encuentra en Microsoft Word, la mayoría de las personas ya están familiarizadas con cómo funciona y dónde encontrar lo que está buscando. Esto te ayuda a hacer que cada nota se vea exactamente como quieres que se vea..

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

5. Y si eres usuario de una ventana ...

Como se mencionó, los usuarios de OneNote Mac tienen mucha menos funcionalidad que los usuarios de Windows (pero aún tienen los cuatro beneficios anteriores). Sin embargo, si es usuario de Windows, realmente verá los beneficios de OneNote, con características adicionales. 10 consejos asombrosos de OneNote que debe usar todo el tiempo 10 consejos asombrosos de OneNote que debe usar todo el tiempo Microsoft OneNote es tan bueno como Evernote. OneNote es el equivalente digital de una carpeta, lo que le brinda más control organizativo. Te mostramos los ajustes efectivos para tomar notas que te encantarán. Leer más incluyendo lo siguiente.

The best Evernote alternative is OneNote and it s free

  • Notas de video: Puede grabar un video corto y agregarlo directamente a una página junto con otros elementos en su nota. Por supuesto que también puedes grabar una nota de audio de la misma manera.
  • Plantillas: Configuración de plantillas Cómo usar las plantillas de OneNote para estar más organizadas Cómo usar plantillas de OneNote para estar más organizadas OneNote es una excelente manera de mantener sus pensamientos organizados, y las plantillas pueden hacer que el proceso sea aún más fácil. Learn how to use, edit and create your own templates with this guide. Leer más para cosas como actas de reuniones, seguimiento de presupuestos, etc. es rápido y simple, a diferencia de configurar plantillas en Evernote. Cómo 6 plantillas simples de Evernote Aumente mi productividad diaria Cómo 6 plantillas simples de Evernote Aumente mi productividad diaria Cree plantillas personalizadas en Evernote. Con estas plantillas, puede aumentar su productividad en el trabajo y en su vida personal. Veamos cómo puedes hacer tus propias plantillas personalizadas de Evernote rápidamente. Leer más, que es torpe y técnica..
  • Dibuja tus notas: Una vez más imitando el cuaderno de papel, OneNote le permite dibujar y dibujar sus ideas dentro de cada nota, junto con otros elementos como texto, video e imágenes..

Vas a estar cambiando?

Si por alguna razón, todavía estás buscando escapar de Evernote, como he intentado argumentar, OneNote es, con mucho, la mejor alternativa. Migración de Evernote a OneNote Cómo migrar de Evernote a OneNote, y por qué debería migrar de Evernote a OneNote y por qué debería ¿Cree que Microsoft OneNote es mejor que Evernote? Or maybe it just suits your project management style. Either way, here's how you can easily migrate all your notes from Evernote to OneNote. Leer más no es demasiado difícil, tampoco.

OneNote ofrece una forma única de crear y organizar sus notas que realmente ayuda a aumentar su productividad. Como usuario de Mac, encontré que esto era un cambio refrescante de las interfaces más torpes que ofrecían otras aplicaciones para tomar notas. Y como usuario de Windows, también tendrás muchas otras funciones para jugar..

Dicho esto, todos usan las aplicaciones para tomar notas de manera diferente. Si todo lo que desea hacer es escribir una lista de compras y algunos recordatorios, SimpleNote será la opción más fácil. Si está buscando principalmente la colaboración en equipo, las características de colaboración de Quip parecen mejores que las de OneNote. y De Evernote.

Pero si está buscando una aplicación para tomar notas que pueda almacenar y organizar un buen número de notas, en una amplia gama de formatos, y estará disponible por mucho tiempo, la elección casi siempre debería ser entre Evernote y Una nota.

¿Estás de acuerdo? ¿Has probado otras aplicaciones potentes para tomar notas que superan tanto a Evernote como a OneNote??