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Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

When deciding on a free project management tool, many organizations find themselves faced with the same choice:Trello vs. Asanas . These are two of the biggest names out there, and both give you some serious project management power. Top 5 project management tips for beginners. Top 5 project management tips for beginners. If you are taking on the role of project manager for the first time. Here are just five project management tips to help you get started. Read More

Deciding between the two can be difficult. So we'll help by breaking down the basics of each and comparing what you get on the free plans. In the end, you will see if Trello or Asana is better for your business or projects.

Trello:Simple Card Based Kanban Project Management

We'll start with Trello. If you are not familiar with Kanban project management How to Manage Tasks with the Japanese Kanban Technique How to Manage Tasks with the Japanese Kanban Technique Kanban is a Japanese recipe for getting things done. It is an organization technique originally developed for the Toyota production line. We show you how you can implement it for yourself or on your team. Read More But the idea behind this is quite simple. Here is the process:

  1. Set columns, categories or steps for your workflow.
  2. You write tasks on cards and put them in a column.
  3. Team members work on those cards and move them through the columns.

The original version of Kanban uses Post-Its and white boards. But today, we use digital tools to achieve the same thing. This is a visual project management method that helps you quickly see where tasks are, who's working on them, and where they'll go next.

This is ideal for linear workflows that always (or almost always) follow the same process. Making editorial calendars in Trello, for example, is common. Here is the example Trello board showing what an editorial calendar might look like:

Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

Ideas move from left to right, going through each necessary step in the process. A group of columns is called a board (think of it as a workspace). You can have as many tables as you want. Each board could represent a team, a division or your organization, a project, a category of tasks, or anything else you think would be a useful delineation.

Each card can contain a wide variety of information. Here are some of the options:

  • Description
  • Assigned users
  • Color Coded Labels
  • Expiration date
  • Task list (with checkboxes)
  • Attachments
  • Messages
  • Update notifications

Users can talk about cards by leaving comments. Those conversations are recorded on the card, where they can be referred to later. This makes the Trello card a great vehicle to communicate about specific tasks without cluttering inboxes or IM clients.

Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

Managing your team with Trello

Of course, a good project management tool does more than just assign tasks. It also lets you manage your team and make sure everyone has access to the things they need.

Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

Assigning team members to cards is just the beginning. You can also make your boards visible only to certain groups, give people different levels of permissions, and change comment permissions on individual cards.

Trello makes it easy for your team members to find the cards that need your attention. They can filter by due date, view only the cards they're assigned to, or view cards with specific labels. It's also easy to search for cards. And communication is very easy: simply leave a comment on a card and other members of that card will be notified.

Powering Up Trello With Integrations

Trello's visual nature and easy drag-and-drop workflow make it a powerful tool. But when you combine it with other services 11 Essential Trello Integrations That Make Your Job Easier 11 Essential Trello Integrations That Make Your Job Easier Trello is an incredibly easy-to-use tool for productivity. You can make it more fun by integrating Trello with great third-party apps. Stay on track and get things done with these tools. Read More Trello calls these integrations. “Boosters.”

You can always attach files from your cloud storage apps, but turning Dropbox on lets you see previews of your documents and automatically update them. The Evernote powerup allows you to attach notes, which means you can combine your Evernote project management. How to use Evernote as a project management tool. How to use Evernote as a project management tool. Evernote offers more than just taking notes. No matter the chaos, you can turn Evernote into a project management tool. Let's see how you can use it to stay on top of your projects. Read More Github allows you to attach branches, commits, issues, and pull requests to cards.

You can track your time, add links to dedicated video chat rooms, integrate with Slack (which itself is a great project management tool) How to use Slack for project management with these easy tips How to use Slack for project management with these simple tips The platform can double as a project management tool for you Learn how to set it up as your personal online assistant Read More), view your Trello cards on a Gantt chart Need a Gantt Template? chart for Excel or PowerPoint? Here are 10 Unique Options Do you need a Gantt chart template for Excel or PowerPoint? Here are 10 unique options You don't need Microsoft Project to track progress. These Gantt chart templates for Excel and PowerPoint will help you manage your project too. Read more, and more. Dozens of major services integrate with Trello. If you're already using a tool, it's worth checking to see if it can interface with Trello.

What you get for free with Trello

Trello's free plan gives you. Unlimited boards, lists, cards, members, checklists and attachments . However, those attachments can only be up to 10MB each. You also get one power-up per table.

If you upgrade to the premium plan, which costs $9.99 per user per month, you get unlimited upgrades, dashboard collections, custom dashboard backgrounds, and priority customer support.

You can see a full breakdown of features on Trello's pricing page.

Asana:Versatility with a learning curve

One of the biggest advantages of Trello is that you can get up and running very quickly. Asana takes a little longer to get the hang of, but once you do, it gives you a lot of project management power.

In the Trello vs. Asana debate, there's one important thing about Asana that gives it a distinct advantage:You can set up traditional to-do lists and Kanban-style boards .

The basic task list is much like what you'd expect and includes features you'll find in many of the best task management software applications:

Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

You get sub-tasks, due dates, descriptions and comments, and the ability to assign tasks to specific projects (which work like boards in Trello). In the premium version of Asana, you can also mark task dependencies, which is useful when some tasks depend on others.

The Kanban board view in Asana looks a lot like Trello:

Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

Again, you have columns, with assignable cards, containing subtasks, due dates, etc. They can also be labeled with color coded labels. Assigned child tasks on cards are also displayed in a user's task view.

The ability to toggle between these two different views is great for Large teams that have different types of projects. . At MakeUseOf, we might have a Kanban editorial calendar, but a to-do list for search engine optimization or reviewing old articles.

Like Trello, you can have multiple projects, which is great for when you want team members to not feel overwhelmed.

Asana also has good reporting functionality:you can create multiple dashboards that show you the status of different projects for yourself or your team members.

Managing your team with Asana

Asana's team management features are similar to Trello's. You can make specific projects visible to certain members, prevent members from seeing team conversations, and modify specific permissions.

Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

Tasks and cards can also be assigned to team members, which is a great way to cut down on email clutter. And the My Tasks tab makes it easy for everyone to see what's been assigned to them. And of course, leaving comments on assignments makes communication easy and referenceable.

Powering Up Asana With Integrations

Asana integrates with many of the same services as Trello. You can attach files directly from cloud storage, email cards and tasks, track your time, and more.

You can even integrate Asana with many of its competitors, including JIRA and Pivotal Tracker. Many customer service apps also work with Asana, making it easy to create tasks when a customer or client makes a request.

There are many integrations with applications traditionally associated with development, such as GitHub, TrackDuck, BitBucket, and Instabug. This makes Asana a good fit for organizations that already use a variety of development tracking tools. (If you're thinking of using Trello for a development project, check out our tips for programmers using Trello 11 Tips and Workflow Features for Developers 11 Trello Tips and Workflow Features for Developers Are you using Trello to plan development projects? programming? The task management app can do wonders for your next coding challenge. We've got some Trello tips to share. Read More

Consulte la lista de integraciones de Asana para ver qué más puede hacer con otras aplicaciones..

Lo que obtienes gratis con Asana

La versión gratuita de Asana te da Tareas ilimitadas, proyectos y conversaciones. . Sin embargo, solo puedes tener hasta 15 miembros . También tendrás acceso a cuadros de mando básicos y búsqueda..

La versión premium, con un precio de $ 9.99 por usuario al mes, le ofrece miembros ilimitados, paneles personalizados, capacidades de búsqueda avanzada, dependencias de tareas, campos personalizados, equipos privados y asistencia prioritaria.

Obtenga los detalles completos de la página de precios de Asana.

¿Cual es mejor? Trello o Asana?

Antes de compartir nuestra recomendación, echemos un vistazo rápido a las características de ambos:


  • Gestión visual de proyectos basada en Kanban.
  • Curva de aprendizaje fácil
  • Usuarios ilimitados
  • Los espacios de trabajo se pueden desordenar
  • Ideal para procesos lineales.


  • Gestión de proyectos estilo Kanban o basada en tareas.
  • Curva de aprendizaje más pronunciada
  • Hasta 15 usuarios.
  • “Mis tareas” sección hace que la priorización sea fácil
  • Informes y cuadros de mando incorporados

Mientras que diferentes organizaciones tienen diferentes necesidades, La versatilidad de Asana lo convierte en una excelente opción para casi todos. . La capacidad de rastrear tareas en una vista de lista de tareas tradicional o en un tablero Kanban le da un nivel de versatilidad que Trello no tiene.

Por supuesto, esa versatilidad viene con una curva de aprendizaje más pronunciada. La interfaz de Asana es, por necesidad, más compleja que Trello. Puede tomar más tiempo encontrar lo que está buscando si no tiene experiencia con la aplicación.

Dicho esto, Asana es más fácil de usar que algunos de los programas de administración de proyectos que existen. Basecamp, Pivotal Tracker y JIRA tienen una gran cantidad de potencia, pero pueden ser aún más difíciles para los principiantes..

Trello, sin embargo, es genial cuando todo lo que necesita es un repositorio central para tareas y un sistema para comunicarse sobre ellas. Es fácil de aprender, fácil de usar, y muchas personas ya tienen al menos una familiaridad pasajera con él. También es fantástico como herramienta de gestión de la vida personal. Guía de Trello for Life y Gestión de proyectos Guía de Trello for Life y Gestión de proyectos Trello puede ayudarlo a organizarse. It is a free tool to manage any type of project. Read this guide to understand its basic structure, navigation, and how Trello can help you. Read more . De hecho, puede utilizar Trello para casi cualquier cosa. 10 usos únicos de Trello con excepción de la gestión de proyectos 10 usos únicos de Trello con excepción de la gestión de proyectos Trello es una delicia para los amantes de las listas. His Kanban-style approach was not intended just for project management. Don't you believe us? Check out these ten unique uses of Trello. Read more.

Trello vs. Asana:La elección depende de ti

Al final, tanto Trello como Asana son herramientas fantásticas.. Lo que use para su organización probablemente se reducirá a los detalles:¿Le resulta atractivo el formato de lista de tareas y Kanban de Asana? ¿O quieres mantener las cosas simples? ¿Quieres gestionar un equipo grande sin pagar una cuota mensual? ¿Sus usuarios aprenden rápido o se beneficiarán de una herramienta con una curva de aprendizaje más fácil??

Tendrá que pensar en todas estas preguntas cuando decida sobre Trello o Asana. Pero hay dos cosas que deberían tranquilizarlo si tiene problemas para tomar esta decisión. Primero, ambas son aplicaciones geniales y te ayudarán a administrar tu equipo. Si no está utilizando el software de gestión de proyectos en este momento, cualquiera de las aplicaciones hará una gran diferencia.

Y segundo, puedes usar Trello y Asana juntos . Se integran, de modo que puede transferir datos entre los dos, sincronizar sus tareas y tarjetas, y usar ambos. O use para mover datos de uno a otro cuando desee cambiar. No estás encerrado para siempre.

Trello vs. Asana The best free project management tool is...

Ahora que conoce las diferencias entre Trello y Asana, está listo para tomar una decisión. Elija uno, vaya con él y comience a administrar proyectos de manera más eficiente. 10 Plantillas útiles de Excel Project Management para el seguimiento. 10 Plantillas útiles de Excel Project Management para el seguimiento. Project management templates can help you replicate successful projects. Here are the essential Microsoft Excel templates for you. Read more !

¿Utiliza Trello o Asana para su organización? ¿Qué pasa con la gestión de proyectos personales? ¿Por qué elegiste uno sobre el otro? Share your thoughts in the comments below.