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Get it from Microsoft! Top 8 Free E-Books from MSDN's Huge Collection

We all love free stuff The best Windows software The best Windows software Windows is swimming in a sea of ​​free applications. Which ones can you trust and which ones are the best? If you're not sure or need to solve a specific task, check out this list. Read More Well Microsoft Still Offering 5 Free Microsoft Online Services and Apps You Didn't Know Existed 5 Free Microsoft Online Services and Apps You Didn't Know Existed When you think of Microsoft, what comes to mind first? It may take you a little longer to think of something positive. We are here to help with that. Read more . The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) maintains a wealth of developer publications, old and new, that provide valuable information on all Microsoft platforms:Windows 8, Office, Dynamics CRM, PowerShell features, Microsoft System Center, and a lot More.

They have seen that it is prudent to release nearly 300 free e-books for our consumption. Great for consumers who want to understand more and developers alike. The full list can be found in the MSDN blog post above, and we've selected a few that provide essential Microsoft information you can use right away.


There is always potential to learn more about Windows. Apart from the handy guides to Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 shortcuts Windows Keyboard Shortcuts 101:The Ultimate Guide Windows Keyboard Shortcuts 101:The Ultimate Guide Keyboard shortcuts can save you many hours. Master the universal Windows keyboard shortcuts, keyboard tricks for specific programs, and a few other tips to speed up your work. Read More . Windows To Go explores an enterprise operating system that runs from a USB drive, specifically designed for use within educational facilities.

Get it from Microsoft! Top 8 Free E-Books from MSDN s Huge Collection

Windows To Go creates a bootable image of Windows 8.1 on a USB drive, basically a copy of the same version that the institution will have access to. Faculty members and students can take this bootable USB and replicate the learning environment on any computer, anywhere, providing a capable desktop wherever it's needed.

It's a portable and cost-effective solution for institutions with small budgets, but also gives students the opportunity to continue working in a familiar environment at home.


There are several guides for Office users. Update your skills with the best Microsoft Office courses. Online Sharpen your skills with the best Microsoft Office courses. Microsoft Office is a required skill in every office around the world. How adept are you? Massive open online courses offer everyone the training to improve anytime, anywhere. Read More

Get it from Microsoft! Top 8 Free E-Books from MSDN s Huge Collection

I particularly liked this one:How to Recover That Unsaved Office Document . While this type of guide is ten cents a line, it's helpful to update your approach to Office as well as establish best practices for document recovery tools. Access and recover corrupt Office files with these tips Access and recover corrupt Office files with these tips Is your important document damaged and you don't have a backup? Not everything is lost! You can try to repair the file or find a backup that you didn't know you had. Read more . I mean, they're built right into the software and only require a minimal amount of setup, but they can be absolute lifesavers. I know I've held my head in my hands before. Save yourself this terror.

Pro Tip: The files in the temporary folder are saved for 4 days after its creation. If they are not manually saved after that time, trying to recover the data becomes a whole different kettle of fish.

Dynamics CRM

I must admit I have never used Dynamics, never had a reason to, so reading a handful of these e-books has been eye opening. Depending on your customer relationship management strategy Plan your sales and marketing goals with Map Business Online [Sponsored] Design your sales and marketing goals with Map Business Online [Sponsored] Sales and marketing maps are ancient tools for companies, but like everything else, maps have gone smart. Map Business Online is one such smart business data mapping tool. Read More

Get it from Microsoft! Top 8 Free E-Books from MSDN s Huge Collection

Nonetheless, I found the opening document. Get started in CRM From a consumer point of view, it was very useful as a brief introduction to the field through Microsoft software, and the CRM for mobile series of documents. Finally, Microsoft Social Listening for CRM it was curious:we are all aware that these systems exist, monitor us, provide us with encouragement and suggestions in other aspects of life, and reading about their motivations and practices gives you greater understanding.


The PowerShell section has a series of short guides to help newcomers to the topic. 6 Basic PowerShell Commands to Get More Out of Windows. 6 Basic PowerShell Commands to Get More Out of Windows. PowerShell is what you get when you put the Windows command line on steroids. It puts you in control of almost every aspect of the Windows system. We help you skip your learning curve. Read More Increase your productivity with Windows PowerShell Scripts Increase your productivity with Windows PowerShell Scripts What if you could bring productivity from Linux to Windows? Most Linux distributions come bundled with the powerful Bash shell. PowerShell is an equally powerful terminal for Windows. Read more, as well as useful information on The Secrets of PowerShell Remoting .

The PowerShell Remoting guide was an excellent introduction to the field, exploring the purposes and goals of remote PowerShell functions, environments, platforms, and a number of remote PowerShell functions for instant use.


Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform. The featured guide in this section is Building Real-World Cloud Applications with Windows Azure . The guide is one of the most extensive eBooks and covers application development with Azure Websites, Visual Studio, ASP.NET, Visual Studio Online, and Azure SQL, as well as describing a pattern-based approach to general application development practices. development..

Get it from Microsoft! Top 8 Free E-Books from MSDN s Huge Collection

Similar to Dynamic CRM, I have never developed using Azure Learn to Code with these 7 Microsoft Courses and edX Learn to Code with these 7 Microsoft Courses and edX Create Mobile First Pages or Code Cloud Solutions . There's a lot you can accomplish with key tech skills. Now you can learn to code with Microsoft's well-packaged courses on edX. Starting soon. Read More

The best of rest

The MSDN blog released a series of uncategorized eBooks. These cover virtual desktop implementation, SQL server administration practices, Windows Server 2.0 and 3.0 guides, and various .NET guides.

BYOD Devices - An Implementation Guide It was an interesting read. The e-book offers a practical guide to implementing a BYOD strategy in educational facilities. As more and more devices enter our schools with students, it makes sense to use this as a resource. School budgets are tighter than ever.

Get it from Microsoft! Top 8 Free E-Books from MSDN s Huge Collection

Encouraging students to broaden their educational experience using the digital tools already available can be a good opportunity for students and teachers, as long as the curriculum matches the digital one. In some classrooms, BYOD schemes just aren't practical, while other facilities may decide that the liability issues just aren't worth it.

Lurking at the bottom of the eBook list is another helpful guide in the Microsoft Bitlocker Administrator's Guide . The title doesn't translate to great late-night reading, but it does provide a comprehensive overview of managing and monitoring Microsoft Bitlocker. Free Military-Grade Privacy For Your Files:How Bitlocker Works [Windows] Free Military-Grade Privacy For Your Files:How Bitlocker Works [Windows] Ever heard that quote about trying to explain how a TV works to an ant? I'm not calling you an ant, even though you work hard and enjoy an occasional sip of aphid milk. What... Read More

Your reading for the next few weeks sorted

Some of these ebooks are terribly outdated and targeted at Microsoft platforms that no longer exist. However, there are some great reads in this selection of 300 ebooks, giving you a free learning opportunity. Best of all, you can choose from a variety of PDFs, EPUBs, and MOBIs, so you can take these eBooks with you. 5 Best PDF and eBook Readers for Windows. 5 Best PDF and eBook Readers for Windows. Windows is establishing itself as a meeting point. platform operating system. It's already running on tablets and 2-in-1 devices, making desktop eBook reading apps more relevant than ever. Read More

Will you give any of these a reading? Should Microsoft release more eBooks in this style? Let us know what you think below!