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This page from Microsoft might help with your job search

Put all Microsoft Word skills aside. If there's one skill that will help you throughout your working life, it's resume design. And that is the most distressing thing for job seekers around the world.

Microsoft lends a helping hand with its range of resume templates Free Microsoft Word resume templates to help you land your dream job Free Microsoft Word resume templates to help you land your dream job When job hunting, you should consider so many things! To ease the headache of preparing your resume, we've compiled a selection of great Microsoft Word templates. Download and customize for free! Read More Now, there's another corner of Microsoft you can go to.

Microsoft has a page dedicated to helping you land the job of your dreams. The company surveyed 1,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 25 in their job search process. Microsoft took the results and asked digital printing and design company MOO and career expert Maxie McCoy to create a resource pack to help job seekers.

This page from Microsoft might help with your job search

Get started with three resume and cover letter templates for Microsoft Word. Try any of the three:Creative , Crispy and clean , and Polished . Catch a recruiter's eye with stylish digital resume templates, portfolio templates, and blog post templates on Sway. Microsoft recommends the ease of making cloud-based presentations Sway Create with the Microsoft PowerPoint Destroyer. Sway Create cloud-based presentations with Microsoft's Sway PowerPoint Destroyer. Microsoft Sway is a new tool for creating cloud-based presentations. Sway offers a fast design experience and a canvas for your ideas. Sways are quick to create and easy to share. Read More It's a good option if you want to try a digital portfolio instead of an old world resume.

All of these tools are rounded out by the best tips Microsoft has to offer on designing résumés that get noticed. Keep the chop front and center.

But since every resume can lead to an interview, you need to know how to prepare for a Skype session with recruiters. How to have an unforgettable Skype interview. It is the last and crucial part of the package. It is a blog post with the best tips to succeed in a remote interview.

Expect the unexpected

That's a little tip from the Skype experts. But it's true for your entire job search. You must do the unexpected to stand out from the horde. MOO and Maxie have done their creative part. Now, you need to fill in the blanks.

How useful are these templates and tips from Microsoft? Do you have any other tips to share on templates and remote interviews?