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9 Ways to Dramatically Improve Worksite Safety

According to the National Equipment Registry (NER), equipment worth between $300 million and $1 billion is stolen every year.

If you own a construction business, job site safety should be one of your top priorities. But what are these security measures and how to ensure that they are effective?

Here are nine ways to dramatically improve jobsite safety.

  1. Install security cameras on site

One ​​of the most effective ways to deter theft and vandalism is to install security cameras on the jobsite. Security cameras can capture footage of perpetrators, which can help law enforcement identify and apprehend them.

You should place the cameras in high traffic areas and in areas where you store expensive equipment.

Make sure you have a clear plan for who will monitor the footage and what they will do with it if something goes wrong.

  1. Use construction site safety alarms

Construction site security alarms can also be effective in deterring criminals. When an alarm is triggered, it sounds and notifies the authorities.

You should install alarms in areas where theft is likely to occur, such as near equipment or construction trailers.

It is essential to plan what will happen when an alarm goes off, including who will respond to the matter.

  1. Get insurance

Construction site security systems are a great way to deter criminals, but they are not 100% infallible. No matter how much you invest in your jobsite safety system, there's always a chance something could happen. This is why it is crucial to have insurance. If something goes wrong, you'll be financially protected.

Make sure your policy covers theft and vandalism on construction sites. And remember to update your policy regularly; as your business changes, so should your coverage.

  1. Lock equipment when not in use

One ​​of the most common ways thieves gain access to job sites is by stealing equipment that has been left out in the open. If you're not using something, make sure it's securely locked. This includes tools, building materials and vehicles.

It may seem like a hassle to have to constantly lock and unlock everything, but it's worth it for the peace of mind knowing your property is safe.

Also, if you ever suffer a break-in, it will be much easier to identify what was stolen if everything is accounted for.

  1. Use barcodes or other tracking systems

You need to track your gear, and one of the best ways to do that is with barcodes. This way, if something is stolen, you can quickly and easily see what's missing.

Barcode systems are also useful for keeping an inventory of construction materials. This way you'll always know exactly how much of something you have on hand – no more surprises when you unexpectedly run out of supplies.

Implementing a system like this may seem like a lot of work at first, but it will save you time and money in the long run.

There are many other tracking systems available besides barcodes. GPS devices are another popular option. These can be placed on vehicles or larger pieces of gear so you can always see where they are.

Whatever system you use, tracking your jobsite equipment is essential for safety.

  1. Require employees to wear ID badges

Employee theft is a common problem on construction sites. One way to combat this is to require all employees to wear ID badges. This will help you know who is there at all times.

Badges must include the employee's name, photograph and contact information. You may also consider including your company logo so that it is easy to distinguish employees from guests.

Make sure all employees are aware of your security policies and procedures and apply them consistently.

If possible, provide a separate entry for employees only. This will help prevent unauthorized people from entering the job site.

A well-enforced policy can help reduce the risk of employee theft.

  1. Keep a close eye on site entrances and exits

It's important to know who comes and goes from your job site. To do this, you must set up a security system including cameras and/or guards at all entrances and exits.

This will help you know who is on site at all times and ensure that only authorized personnel enter the site.

If someone manages to gain access to the site without permission, it will be easy to spot them on camera. This can help you identify potential thieves and take appropriate action.

  1. Regularly review your security procedures

Site safety is a constantly evolving process. When new threats emerge, you need to be prepared to adapt your security procedures accordingly.

Review your policies and procedures regularly to ensure they are still effective. Make changes to keep up with the latest trends in jobsite safety.

Thieves are always looking for new ways to break into construction sites. By keeping up to date with the latest safety trends, you can help keep your job site safe from harm.

  1. Invest in good locks

No job site is complete without good locks. You need to have a variety of locks to secure different areas of the job site.

For example, you might want to use a padlock to secure a storage shed. You can also use deadbolts on the doors leading to the site office. Be sure to invest in high quality locks that cannot be easily picked or cut.

In addition to investing in good locks, you should also consider using fasteners such as Bryce Fastener. Bryce Attache is a security screw with a unique head design that makes it virtually impossible to remove without the proper tool. This type of fastener is perfect for securing gates, fences and other external structures on your job site.

Construction site safety tips you should know

By using a variety of security measures, you can help protect your yard from theft and other potential threats. Stay alert and always ready to adapt to new challenges. With the proper precautions in place, you can rest assured that your jobsite is well protected.

For more construction site safety tips, be sure to check out our blog.