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Why Kathy Ireland believes 'rejection is a gift'

As a young model, Ireland faced rejection almost daily. She says it helped shape who she is as a businesswoman today.

“I truly believe that rejection is a gift,” she says. "I didn't recognize it and didn't appreciate it at the time, but it would prepare me for the business world. When people said no, when they laughed in my face…those things didn't destroy me. If anything, when someone says no, my response would be, Well, at least we're talking. I will come back tomorrow; maybe your situation will have changed; you may be in a better mood. ”
When it comes to rejection, a particular moment stands out for Ireland.
“When I worked as a model, my job description was basically to shut up and pose,” she says .
“When I had a rare opportunity to speak, a critic – very publicly – said that I had a voice that could kill small animals. I was 25 and couldn't order pizza over the phone. I had this high, creaky voice, and they thought I was a kid making a phone call.
The comment devastated Ireland, but it was also an eye opener. She was grateful for the harsh words of criticism, as they helped her see that she would have to present a more mature and professional version of herself to be taken more seriously.
For personalities like Ireland, criticism can be rampant. The key, she says, is not to take every comment at face value.
“We have to be able to discern:Is it just mean, nasty junk that needs to be thrown away? Or despite the ugly packaging, is there any truth? Can I take anything from it?
And remember:there's no point surrounding yourself with people who will spend all their time boosting your ego.
“Don't surround yourself with yeses,” says Ireland. “Surround yourself with people who love you enough to tell you the truth and be painfully honest with you. If someone believes in you, they will criticize you so that you can grow and reach your potential. "
"We're under the radar. As a private person who owns a private business, I like this anonymity. »
Related:What Kathy Ireland Learned From Her Top Mentors .