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Master these 5 attributes to successfully influence others

Have you ever wondered what it takes to order a piece, influence perception, or take a seat at the table?
A striking personal appearance, excellent communication skills, extraordinary competence, weight and relationships are all compelling qualities that immediately come to mind.
However, no matter what individual variables you consider, they all point to the same thing:your ability to successfully exert influence through executive presence .
But what exactly is executive presence?
Harrison Monarth, expert in coaching high-level players in the art of perception management and author of Presence executive:the art of commanding respect like a CEO , describes it as the ability to:

Accurately 'read' people and predict their behavior
Influence the perceptions of others
Persuade those of opposing views to your side
Create and maintain a personal 'brand'
Manage and check your online reputation
Perform damage control when things go wrong

The Harvard Business Review explains it this way:“Although the presence of executives is very intuitive and difficult to pin down, it ultimately comes down to your ability to project a mature self-confidence, a feeling that you can take control of difficult situations. and unpredictable; make tough decisions in a timely manner and stand up to other talented and determined members of the leadership team. »
Related: The most powerful tool we have is influence:here's how to use it
No matter how you define "executive presence", if you want to develop greater influence and, in turn, more personal and professional achievement, consider mastering the following key attributes:

1. Competence and credibility

If you are looking to exert influence, look carefully at the man or woman in the mirror and clearly see the value you bring to the table. Are you dabbling or have you developed unqualified skill in the area of ​​expertise? Are you actively leveraging your skills and knowledge base for the benefit of others? If so, is this advantage recognized, respected and claimed by your peers? It is not enough to reside in your own head; your contributions should be tangible and held in high esteem by others.
When American business mogul, investor and philanthropist Warren Buffett walks into a room, there is no doubting his ability to deliver on his promise of results. He knows his stuff and prides himself on being an accomplished learner. His track record? Copy. Recognized for his unparalleled ability to advise and disrupt complex market trends, his competence and credibility speak volumes.
2. Confidence
Even if you are competent and credible, when you don't believe in yourself, it will always be difficult to convince someone else that you should. But don't confuse arrogance with confidence. Confidence is an innate beacon of light that draws others to you, inspired by your competence and credibility. Arrogance, on the other hand, is distinguished by blatant pretentiousness and quickly pushes people away. When you are certain of the value you bring, there is no need to overcompensate.
When former President Barack Obama walks into a room, he embodies unmistakable and unwavering confidence. His convincing demeanor, marked by a powerful sense of certainty, is magnetic. Widely recognized for his exceptional ability to influence others by leveraging the perfect trifecta of skill, credibility and confidence, he has become an irresistible icon the world over.
3. Compassion
Having all of the above qualities does not exempt you from being compassionate. To effectively influence someone, they also need to know that you care about them. We've all heard the familiar adage coined by Theodore Roosevelt, "People don't care what you know until it matters to you." This sentiment rings especially true when it comes to influence.
It's one of the main reasons why Oprah Winfrey, for example, has become such a beloved celebrity. Although she has provided much thought leadership over the years, people have come to love and admire her even more because of her compassion for others as evidenced by philanthropy. She genuinely cares about people, and her compassion has made fans of the masses go wild.
4. Charisma
Charismatic leaders are often the most influential. Rapport is a powerful tool that can be used to connect with virtually anyone. As humans, we have an innate, almost primal desire to connect with each other. This desire, however, does not always translate into day-to-day interactions. Sometimes we succeed. Other times, not very much. Developing charisma requires being intentional and focusing on others rather than yourself. When people feel connected to you and your vision, they are much more likely to rally around and offer their support.
Lee Iacocca has used his charisma to work in many rooms and influence others through the gift from gab. A famous example was his ability to persuade Congress to guarantee Chrysler a large loan that saved it from crippling bankruptcy.
5. Consistency
If you are uneven in the way you present yourself, your personal brand will lack credibility and you will not have the ability to gain influence. Consistency is the key to building executive presence because it provides the best “proof” of your deliverables. If you bring your A game sometimes but your C game most of the time, you will be known as an average player. People need to know that they can count on you to do what you say you will do, at a level that reflects excellence. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.
Floyd Mayweather has developed an impeccable reputation for excellence in the boxing world, not only because of his remarkable talent, but also because of his consistency. He trains constantly with an enviable work ethic and exerts tremendous mental and physical effort to capture every win. His opponents, as well as his fans, have known this truth pretty well.
Are you ready to exert your influence? If so, work on mastering these essential attributes to maximize your personal and professional success.
Related: 5 ways to increase your influence