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8 Ways to Avoid Distractions and Get Things Done

Q:I have a business idea but I'm having trouble bringing it to fruition. I get distracted by other tasks or start to question myself. Do you have any tips for making this happen?
A:One thing you can focus on is compression:getting more done in less time. This will allow you to get more work done on your business faster. Here are some tips to be better at compression:
Related: 19 motivational quotes to help you finish
1. Get more clarity on what you want.

2. Think about possible roadblocks and try to minimize them.
3. Seek outside counsel (coaches, lawyers, mentors).
4. Create a written timeline and easily access it by saving it to your phone.
5. Be accountable by having checkpoints with a peer, boss, client, or client.
6. Mentally lead your project and take responsibility for any problems that may arise.
7. Don't get too bogged down in the details.
8. Visualize the final result.

Related: 5 questions I ask myself when I start to lose focus

This article originally appeared in the September 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.