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Stop talking shit and start taking action

This blog post covers the one thing I hate the most:people claiming to be entrepreneurs but not doing any of the crap they constantly talk about. There are far too many individuals expressing their next big idea or future investment in a type of business that does absolutely nothing physically. It's sad – but it's a fact, and it's true.

SummaryLet's face it:Again, let's face it:Find someone who is already doing what you dream of and ask them about how to get startedYou really have to take the first stepPlan your long term AND your short goals term in order to stay motivatedFollow your heartWork your ass!

Let's face it:

Stop talking shit and start taking action

An idea without execution revolves around nothing. I honestly believe that a successful business is 10% idea and 90% execution. In other words, if you think you have a good, thriving business idea, then you need to put your idea into action and start working on making it a reality. Don't bore us all talking about it for years.

Starting your own business pushes a person through a huge range of emotions. It is one of the most thrilling and thrilling experiences, as it can also be a rather scary situation for many. Fear or simple inertia may be what keeps some people from taking the first step. In the end, talking is easy as f*ck – what's hard is taking action.

If you're reading this and feel like I'm talking about you - then I just want you to realize that you should start moving, taking action and doing what you say you want. If your mind is fueled by a strong business idea, you already have some sort of entrepreneurial mindset.

Don't let obstacles get in your way! If you don't have anyone around you who is already an entrepreneur or who can help you get where you want to be, keep pushing and working harder! Don't stop to take the time to listen to anyone's negative comments. Just keep doing what you need to do to achieve your dreams – if that's what you really want. As cliché as it sounds, you only have one life, so enjoy it!

Again, let's face-it:

Stop talking shit and start taking action

Everyone on Earth is going to end the same way, so why stop yourself from doing what you love the most? What matters is what you do in your lifetime.

No one is ever truly ready to be a 100% entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is like jumping off a cliff and building an airplane on the way down to stay alive.

The important thing is to take that first step towards the beginning of your dreams right now! There will never be a better time, let alone the “right” time to start a business. It's up to you to create the right moment.

See also:Five steps to turn what you love into a successful business

Here are some tips I received when starting my first business:

Find someone who is already doing what you dream of and ask them about how to get started

You actually have to take the first step

Plan your long-term AND your short-term goals to stay motivated

The road to success is long, so keep your spirits up – or the difficulties and obstacles along the way will literally bring you down.


Do what you think is right for you and don't stop to listen to anyone trying to convince you that your dreams are crazy or impossible. This person is only limited by their own thoughts and you are only limited by yours. If you think you can achieve something, don't stop at making excuses and make it happen instead.


These are the “rules” that I myself follow and that have helped me move forward even when I felt like losing faith. If you only remember one thing from this article, remember that you have what it takes to start achieving your dreams. Stop talking and start doing!

When it comes to making your dreams come true, there is no time to deal with feelings and feelings. Too many feelings in business and you are literally bankrupt. Forget everything else. Put everything aside and let your burning desire and passion take over.

Do you know what time it is?


See also:3 things you need to stop doing to live the life of your dreams