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5 effective tips to eliminate the obstacles to your success

One of the fastest ways to success is to clear the obstacles in front of you. These obstacles can be anything from mental obstacles to office politics and moving them in the direction you want isn't always easy and it certainly isn't quick.

SummaryBuy a courseGet a coachOutsourcePartnerExamine your beliefs

I'm not here to tell you exactly what to do, because it won't work; your world is very different from mine. I am however here to share my experiences with you so that you can take what I have learned and apply parts of it where it makes sense in your life. As you enter, understand that reading is never enough to succeed. If you are going to skim through this article and do nothing, your life will not change. You have to act and you have to fail an incredible number of times until something happens. There are exceptions of course, but I think you understand my drift.

If you only learn one thing from this article, that is enough and it will impact your life. That said, here are my five effective tips for breaking down barriers to success:

  • Buy a course

    The simpler you can do something, the easier it will be for you to succeed. If you buy a course that has been proven by thousands of people, you will succeed if you follow the instructions.

    I know I'm supposed to say you should break the rules and be outstanding, but I'm not going to. Following directions when you have no idea what you're doing is the fastest way to success, at least for me. You might be different, so don't take what I'm saying as gospel.

    Learn the rules first, play by the rules, and only break them once you understand them. Ultimately what I'm trying to say is find your own way of doing things.

  • Get a coach

    Ever since I paid someone money to critique my poker game, I love coaching. It's just such an effective way to reduce your learning curve. If you're not getting the results you want, you can ask your coach what he thinks is wrong and what you can do to improve.

Not only did I use coaching to improve my poker game to such an extent that I could live in it for almost five years, but I also used it to learn how to blog. I knew what I wanted, so I went out and found someone who was already successful. I then joined their coaching program.

  • Outsource

    If you want to do something online, you will naturally encounter many obstacles, especially when it comes to the design and the technical side of things. I know you may not always have the money to outsource, but if you do, it's a great way to save time and eliminate potential frustrations.

Want to start a blog but don't know how? Outsource. Want to edit an audio file but don't have the tools? Outsource. Some things you want to outsource, some not. Think about what makes sense.

  • Partner

    Not sure how to do technical things? Don't have the money to outsource? Do you always feel like you can provide? Partner with someone whose strengths are your weaknesses and share the benefits.

Another limiting belief you may have is to share the profits with someone. I had that too. I still have it to some extent, but working with the right partner is a lot of fun. I'm not here to make millions of dollars.

I live a simple life, so I don't need a lot of money. I realized that I could do whatever I wanted on a relatively low income. This is a common trap we fall into. We think we need all this money to do something, when on the contrary, we can do it right now.

  • Examine your beliefs

    When you think of success, it's easy to associate it with competition. We've been taught to believe that success means stomping on other people to climb higher on the ladder, but does it really have to be?

What you believe determines your reality. But remember, you don't have to be perfect to be successful. It's easy to put successful people on a pedestal and think they're above you when they're not.

They are human beings like everyone else. They have feelings, fears and worries. Think about what is holding you back and why. You may start to discover some uncomfortable things, but if you want to be successful and do what you love, this is one of the fastest ways to get there.