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What can I do to prevent an attack from cyber attacks?

Every day, approximately 2,244 cyberattacks occur on the Internet!

SummaryUse robust softwareProvide cybersecurity trainingImplement access managementBackup your dataSubscribe to managed IT servicesProtect your data from cyberattacks

That might be a scary stat, but it doesn't mean you're completely defenseless against hackers. In fact, with the right defense strategy, you can even dissuade them from considering it!

Below are some good ways to protect yourself from cyberattacks.

Use robust software

All devices must have their firewalls enabled. Additionally, they must have active anti-virus software running. This applies to both individual and professional devices.

This also includes smartphones and tablets. As these devices become more common, cybercriminals are refocusing their attempts, going from just desktops and laptops to a good mix.

You'll also want to make sure these programs are updated whenever necessary. Patches ensure that all vulnerabilities are taken care of.

Provide cybersecurity training

If you own a small business, then you'll want to provide cybersecurity training to your staff.

Contrary to popular belief, technology is not your first line of defense. Instead, they are your employees! If they can recognize the warning signs of phishing attempts and malware, then you'll avoid the whole problem of successful attacks in the first place.

Having a regularly updated and trained cybersecurity expert on your staff will be worth every penny when you don't have to shut down due to a successful cyberattack.

Implement access management

Not all employees need access to all networks. So, it may be wise to restrict their access to minimize the chances of something going wrong.

For example, you can make only managers have administrator privileges. Other workers will have basic access, so if their accounts are compromised, nothing important can be stolen.

Backup your data

While backing up your data won't prevent cyberattacks, it can save your skin.

For example, with ransomware, hackers hold your device hostage until you pay them a nice sum of money. If you have backed up your data, you can just ignore it and go back to your last backup, before the attack.

In addition, you never know if natural disasters may occur. It will then be useful to have additional copies of your data.

When backing up your data, be sure to encrypt it as well. That way, if someone accesses it, it will be difficult (if not impossible) to decode.

Subscribe to managed-computing-services

With Managed IT Services, an expert third-party IT professional will take care of IT and data security for you.

Not only that, but you'll also stay compliant and have an extra copy (or more) of your data. So if anything happens to your files, whether it's compromised by a cybercriminal or natural causes (like fire or flood), you'll have a backup right away.

Protect your data from cyber-attacks

Cyberattacks are not going to stop anytime soon. If anything, they will only increase in the future!

It is therefore all the more important for you to strengthen your online security and ensure that your data does not fall into the wrong hands.

If you need more advice as a small business owner, be sure to check out our other blog posts!