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Commercial software vs custom software

Software that is available to thousands of users cannot be compared to custom development. The point is that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions and needs are determined based on the to-do list.

Ordering a unique software allows you to complete the tasks at hand without much hassle. The secret to the popularity of software is easy access to the necessary options without having to invent a new algorithm of actions. Custom software development company produces services that will be a great solution for businesses and organizations.

Advantages of bespoke software

Using out-of-the-box programs cannot solve your typical business problems. To find a way out of a difficult situation, you will need to create a special algorithm of actions and run it in standard software. It is much easier to get rid of such difficulties than it seems. The development and implementation of an individual project is a simple solution to complex problems.

Faced with the difficulty of the choice, you need to decide on the easiest option. If you order commercial software according to your needs, you can immediately get the most effective tool. Working with a single software has several advantages:

  1. Adjustment. The software, which is created for your business, allows you to perform specific tasks in a short time. There is no need for further optimization as the offer is customized to your needs.
  2. Ease of use. You don't have to put in any effort to work with custom software. The created version of the program is characterized by a user-friendly interface and an accessible list of functions. The functionality of the development is indisputable.
  3. Full service package. Technical support of developers will quickly find a way out of difficult situations. Users do not have to deal with the intricacies of the job on their own, which is one of the obvious advantages of bespoke software.
  4. Economical implementation. Connecting existing tools requires regular payments for services. In the case of the implementation of individual software, such expenses are not to be expected. A team of employees can easily use the program.
  5. Business design. Building apps from scratch means you don't have to worry about interface design. The software is ordered according to the list of requirements and it is easy to add your favorite design to the list.

Working with a single solution does not require constant capital investment. It is often enough to pay for the innovations and the support of specialists. When we talk about the need to scale the business, there is no problem. Developers will easily modify the project for your tasks.

Advantages of standard software

It is not always advisable to rush to abandon standard software. If the company is only doing part of the work using the product, implementing custom software can wait. In order to make a decision on the need for custom software development, some preparation is required.

Implementing a new tool for the job will not be necessary when:

  • the software used includes the necessary functionality;
  • the size of the company remains unchanged for a long time;
  • the company's budget is limited;
  • the software is used by a small number of employees;
  • the functionality of the existing software meets your needs.

Using standard programs saves your budget. The business can get their questions answered with easy access to the help desk. Employees can perform their tasks without involving other departments of the company.

Management does not have to deal with scaling and implementing new options, because the responsibility for the work of the software lies with the developer. Customers can simply file a complaint and wait for the situation to be resolved. These and other processes are performed without direct company involvement.

Testing and configuration will also be out of the area of ​​responsibility. The software developer offers additional services to companies that require them. Thus, another advantage of standard software is the absence of fabulous investments for implementation.

In order to make a decision on the need to implement new software, it will be necessary to listen to the opinion of employees. The company's staff will be able to comment on the shortcomings of the software used and the reasons for switching to custom software. It must be taken into account that development will become a new cost item.

What and why to choose?

No matter how attractive the benefits of off-the-shelf software may seem, it's worth considering the needs of the business. The steady expansion of the customer list and the focus on scaling the business indicate that you cannot work without custom software development.

To make this important decision, you need to answer several questions:

  1. Budget. The financial opportunities of the company act as a constraint, so there is no way to avoid it. Large companies can afford the introduction of software, and small companies can cope with the tasks without individual development.
  2. Functionality. The available functions can fully meet the needs of users, so there is no need to develop custom software. It is worth using new software solutions when work is taking too long and you have ideas to reduce the workload of your employees.
  3. Company size. Businesses looking to take it to the next level can't live without software implementation. Massive data processing requires the use of unique solutions. Storing and collecting information with the connection of standard software will prove ineffective.

When talking about software, it is best to make a decision based on plans for the near future. The opinion of employees also plays an important role, so it is worth familiarizing them with the advantages of custom software and standard software beforehand. The search for a compromise solution must be done with the support of the whole team.

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