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What does the website design process actually look like in practice?

According to surveys, more than 30 percent of web development projects are late or over budget. If you don't follow the proper steps during the website design process, you may end up spending way more than you expected.

Contents7 steps in the website design process1. Identify the objectives of the website2. Define the scope of the project3. Plan the sitemap and wireframe layout4. Create content5. Design the visual identity6. Test the website7. Launch the siteDon't skip these important steps

Fortunately, there is an easy-to-follow process for good web design. Let's look at the steps you should follow.

7-steps in the website design process

Many people think website design is all about how a website looks. Although visuals are part of the overall design process, they are only one step. And it's not at the top of the list.

1. Identify website objectives

The first thing you need to know before any coding or graphic design is the purpose of the website. In other words, what is it for?

Is it an e-commerce site? A place where customers can get help? A lead generation tool? The purpose of the site affects how it looks and works.

2. Define project scope

Once you have a goal in mind, you can determine the scope of the project. In other words, what pages and other features does the site need to achieve the goal? And what is the timeline to get through the full design process?

3. Plan the sitemap and wireframe

When you've defined your scope, you can start laying out the site itself.

The sitemap lists all the content on the site and defines how everything relates to each other. The wireframe is an outline of the visual layout of the website.

4. Create content

Now that you've planned your sitemap, you can start creating your website content. It can be text, images, video or a combination thereof.

At this point, you need to think about search engine optimization (SEO) when creating content. It's much easier to start with SEO in mind than to go back and rework your content later.

5. Design the visual identity

Once you have some content ready, you can start working on the visual aspects of your website. This includes things like images, logos, color schemes, branding, and other design elements.

If you use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress or Drupal, you can edit the visuals independently of the content.

6. Test the website

When the website is ready to go live, run some tests to make sure everything is working as expected. You can use a combination of manual navigation and automated exploration tools to test different aspects.

7. Launch the site

Once the tests are done, it's time to launch the website. Depending on the purpose of the site, this can be as simple as making it available on the internet or more complex preparation up to the launch date to engage your audience.

Don't skip these important steps

It is important not to skip steps in the website design process. Taking shortcuts to save time or money will usually end up costing you more in the long run.

Browse our Tech and Business sections for more helpful articles on creating an innovative website and doing online business.