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What will the secretary of the future look like?

The secretary position has traditionally been a women's profession, which was characterized by its supportive nature and limited career opportunities. That is very different today. After all, the secretary is now busy with various tasks, which can also be seen in the different types of secretary levels that are available. For example, we know the junior secretary, the department secretary, the executive secretary and the office manager. But what will the secretary of the future look like? Regardz recently researched the secretary of the future:the Secretary 2.0.

In order to map out the new role of the secretary, the opinion of more than 300 secretaries was polled. The biggest change is that secretaries expect their work, their workplace and working hours to change. Think of a flexible workplace, flexible working hours and working on a laptop and tablet, instead of the desktop. Also, the secretary of the future will not work for one, but for several people. Much more flexibility is therefore expected from the secretary.

The survey also asked what the most important quality of a good secretary is. Almost half of all respondents indicated that being able to organize well is the most important quality a secretary should have now. Being service-oriented, being able to advise and communicating are also the qualities that a good secretary must be able to meet.

In addition, the profession of secretary in 2016 is no longer linked to women. More than 80% of the respondents indicate that the secretary can be either a man or a woman. It is not clear whether this occurs in practice.

View the infographic below for several interesting facts.

What will the secretary of the future look like?