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Young people don't mind changing appearance for boss

No fewer than eight out of ten European young people would immediately shave off a hipster beard if the company they apply for requires it from them. This is apparent from research by YoungCapital among 5,500 young people between the ages of 17 and 35, from seven European countries. Among the Dutch young people, in addition to shaving off the hipster beard (79.4 percent), 71.8% would remove a piercing, 80% would cover a tattoo, 69.3% would change their clothing style and 22% would even lose some pounds. (22 percent) – most would do it all for the boss. The Belgians also go very far for their employer. The French are the least willing to change their appearance. No fewer than 21 percent say they will not change anything for the boss at all, compared to an average of 11 percent.

Flexibility is also the key word for Dutch young people in terms of contract form. For example, the majority (57.3 percent) indicate – at this point in their lives – that they prefer a temporary contract to a permanent one. They certainly value a permanent contract.

The main reason for young people in Europe to aspire to a permanent contract is financial security. There are also noticeable differences. For example, the Germans are relatively preoccupied with their desire to have children:28 percent say this is the most important reason for wanting a permanent contract. Compared to the other countries, relatively many French people (34 percent) think about buying a house, and Spaniards are busy planning their wedding (16 percent). Also striking:many Belgians (16.2 percent) and Germans (21 percent) find a permanent contract important, because they see it as a form of appreciation from their boss. This is much less the case in other European countries.