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5 Killer Hacks for Networking at Events

Social media is hot. Everyone's talking about Facebook, Twitter and every other social media site under the sun.

They are great tools for building and maintaining relationships. But that's not all.

When it comes to building powerful relationships, social media still can't replace old-fashioned face-to-face networking.

In-person networking is simply one of the best activities you can do for your career or business, hands down.

Anyone who thinks they can stay behind their computer, hide at home, rely 100% on social media to meet people and develop key relationships is wrong.

In fact, the most effective approach to networking today is twofold:an online part and an old-fashioned, face-to-face, in-person part. They are two sides of the same coin.

A good networking plan does not rely heavily on online or offline networking, but includes aspects of both.

How face-to-face networking is different

Face-to-face networking is very different from social networking. To start, you will actually need to put on some pants. Sorry, but this is a mandatory requirement. If you're working from home, that means you may need to change into your pajamas (hopefully not the first time in days).

I recognize that networking at in-person events is more difficult for those who are shy or introverted. However, there are plenty of little 'hacks' you can use to make face-to-face networking easier, whether you're introverted or not.

Here are 5 killer hacks for effectively networking at old-school in-person events:

1. Commit to helping others. Before you go to a networking event, I want you to invoke your most positive, effective, and helpful attitude, and I don't even want you to think about getting clients, clients, or a new job. For some people, this may seem totally counter-intuitive. After all, isn't that the point of networking to do more business or to advance your career?

The truth is, if you go to an in-person networking event just thinking about yourself, people will sniff you out in the blink of an eye. You will stand out more than Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl.

Conversely, if you commit to helping others in any way you can – be it a restaurant recommendation, tech tip, or book suggestion – you'll be more human and people will want to help you back.

Here's the “hack” part – after your event, email at least 1 or 2 people you met at the event with a tip, tip, resource, or other way to help, by based on what you have learned about them. This small step will go a long way.

2. Make an intro. I love introducing people. If you introduce two people and they get along, they will always be grateful. Trust me on this – my parents first met on a blind date.

And the people you introduced to someone else are more likely to reciprocate. It even works with people you just met at an in-person networking event.

3. Connect with people in their family. You know that saying "the easiest way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach"? Well, I believe the easiest way to touch a networking partner's heart is through their immediate family members.

At most networking events, people talk about work or industry related topics. It's what everyone does, but you don't have to. You can really stand out talking about someone's spouse or family, if you have the right opportunity.

If you just met someone and you start asking about someone's family without the proper opening, they're probably going to think you're a weirdo. But if you get an opening, asking about someone's family and looking for opportunities to help their kids or spouse is a great hack to get to know them better.

4. If you're shy or introverted, focus on others. I get asked a lot about the advice I give to people who really hate networking because they're shy or introverted. If you're really shy and don't like meeting new people, the best advice I can give you is that the best conversationalists often don't talk at all.

People love to talk about themselves, and if you ask a lot of questions and are very interested in them, you don't need to be a good conversationalist. Most people will appreciate the opportunity to talk about themselves to a captive audience. And they will enjoy talking with you.

5. Use the 80/20 rule for tracking. If you were to measure the time most people spend on networking activities aimed at meeting new people versus the time they spend follow with people they already know, you'd be shocked at how unbalanced it is.

People spend too much time trying to meet new people and too little time following up and nurturing relationships with people they already know.

In fact, your efforts should be the opposite:use the 80/20 rule (aka the Pareto Principle) to deepen and grow relationships with your existing network.

This will in turn lead to meeting new people, as people you already know are more likely to be a gateway for you to their friends and relationships.

After all, you've already spent time and energy getting to know the people in your network, and they've already (presumably) come to know, like, and trust you.

So be sure to spend time and energy networking with people who are already in your network.

Now I want to hear from you. What are your best hacks for in-person networking?

Photo credit :Elio Assuncao