Family Best Time >> Work

Hellup, I can't relax anymore!

Relax, how do you do that? I seem to have completely forgotten it. I've always been a busy bee, yes, but it seems to be getting 'crazier' all the time. I fall from one thing to another. Business and private.

From a business point of view, I can't take gas back. I love my job and am quite ambitious. Plus I can't choose. I want it all. I want to lose my 'egg' on MamsatWork, I am of course very busy with and I also have a company with a business partner that is currently also running a project that I have my hands full on. All very nice to do, but together also more than a full-time job of course, you can count that on your fingers.

Then private. We have two school-age children, one with dyslexia, enough friends and family for the necessary social items on the schedule, a dog and of course no help with the household (unfortunately he stopped two months ago and the gang is now unmanageable). The kids don't play sports next door (meaning they have to be picked up and dropped off) and I recently started riding again. The latter should ensure relaxation, but three times a week (I can't do anything halfway) eats up my time and that causes stress.

Relax in the sauna?

Furthermore, you would say… enough fun! And so it is. I only miss that moment 'sitting on my ass and doing nothing'. But yesterday it finally happened. My way-ahead-because-else-it-never-will-date with my hubby. He is undemanding, but has already planned his (read:our) day months ago. A day in the sauna. Enjoy and relax for a while. Just relaxing didn't work out well. It took hours for my head to calm down a bit. Before the thoughts no longer came in a continuous flow and no longer contained work-related issues. Discussing the figures with the hubby in the meantime will probably also have helped, but when should that be different?

With difficulty I entered a kind of relax mode where the book I had picked up provided the distraction and was immediately work-related again because a review had to be written about it (talking about two birds with one stone). And at the end of the day I was finally there. I was a little relaxed. But how long it took! Too long if you ask me. I therefore think that something has to change. I'm just not sure what yet. Do I have to hire someone? Should I divest activities? Do I have to 'sting' for half an hour every day and have a tea moment? Do I plan the regular Thursday evening date with my hubby again? Or shall we continue like this? Because even though I can't relax properly, I still feel fine. I'm having a good time, business is going well, my family continues to run and with the necessary stitches that we drop due to the crowds, I think we are just very average 🙂 . I only miss 'dwelling on' and 'enjoying'.

Tell me. Can you relax well? And do you do something special for that? Give me a sneak peek of your veil!