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I can't find a permanent contract:5 ways to work differently #1


What's this ? A simplified business creation scheme, accessible to all (students, employees, unemployed) entered into force in 2009 and which has been a real success with 1,200 new registrations per day.

Why is it going up? Ten minutes are enough to create your own business on the official website ( Then, every month or every quarter (your choice), you pay your social security contributions according to the turnover you achieve. If we have not won anything, we have nothing to pay! "Without this status, I would never have dared to start, confirms Alice, beautician at home on a scooter in Bordeaux ( After my training, I did not see myself working in a classic institute and vegetating for years in the same position while waiting for a hypothetical promotion. There, I knew that if I did not declare a turnover, I did not lose anything. But beware, if registration is free, that's not all! Afterwards, you have to invest fully as with any business creation. »

Know before doing it. No professional expenses can be deducted from its turnover. To be avoided if you have to invest in equipment, travel often or rent premises for your activity. And if you exceed the maximum authorized income (€32,900 or €82,200/year depending on the activity), you have to change status.

Where to get information? Union of autoentrepreneurs (, Federation of autoentrepreneurs ( And