Family Best Time >> Work

Care for a sick child; Do you arrange childcare or do you stay at home yourself?

It is still early in the morning. We are at the start of another busy working day. The children have to go to school and to daycare. We have to go to work. Today we got up on time and the pace is already well established, but then suddenly one of my children indicates that she is not feeling well at all. I give a big hug, chat about it for a while and we continue with the daily ritual. She doesn't have a fever, but I still feel a lot less relaxed, we don't have the opportunity to care for a sick child in the form of grandparents, for example.

My hunch is confirmed when my daughter spits everything out again after just a few bites of breakfast. She looks pale and just wants to lie on the couch. My partner and I look at each other questioningly. The answer from both is:'No, I absolutely cannot stay at home today'. An argument ensues, in which almost always the person who has to get to work first wins. The other has to manage with a sick child on the couch, two children that have to be taken away and the problem of how you or someone else can stay with your child.

'strange' care for sick child not always necessary

How I hated these mornings. For me, the problem is gone, because I now work from home and can schedule myself when I work. For many other parents it will be a very well known problem.

Response employers

The thing that excites me the most is employers who are totally unhelpful. The pinnacle was when I just started working at a new location with another branch manager. I heard and saw a colleague desperately ask her if she could be replaced because she had to pick up her sick child from school. The location manager then said:'You have chosen children yourself, so this is your own responsibility'. I went to her that same day  to give my opinion on this. I kindly asked her if she wanted to empathize a bit more with parents from now on, who have their hands in their hair when their child(ren) are ill. You do not want a neighbor to look after your child. You then want to give your child the love and attention it needs.

Short-term care leave regulated by law

You can stay at home with your sick child, you can then take short-term care leave, did you know that? As I said, this no longer applies to me, but it might to you. And what could be better than feeling for yourself what your child needs. There is always something to think about. What exactly is wrong with your child? How do you best help your child? Can you leave him or her at home alone or do you have to bring your child with you if you have to go out for a while?

Nor are they matters to be left to someone else. Should you take your child to the doctor? How long is this gonna take? You feel best how you can take care of your child. Only when your child is completely better will you feel carefree and happy again and you can concentrate on your work again. At least if your other child hasn't gotten sick and the misery starts all over again 😉 .

Have you ever taken short-term care leave or do you arrange other care for your sick child?