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3 exercises to really relax during your lunch break

No matter how clever we are to tell ourselves that this year the start of the new school year will not have our skin, we know full well that the tension of work is dormant but is never very far away. So to really place our days under the sign of serenity, we take good habits. The osteopath Célestin Sertelet gives us three simple and quick exercises to do during your lunch break, at the office if you have one or elsewhere, after eating.

Blow to attack better

To digest well, sit down and begin abdominal breathing.
With your eyes closed and your hands on your belly, inhale deeply through your nose, concentrating on the path of the air and let your belly inflate without moving. ribcage. Then exhale slowly through your mouth simultaneously with your deflating belly. Empty your lungs.

Do between 10 and 15 breaths.

Exercise stimulates your digestion by focusing energy on your stomach and oxygenating your body and brain. Just to set off again for an afternoon all in neurons.

Meditate to evacuate

Remain seated, with your eyes closed.
Concentrate as much as possible on everything that has polluted your morning:unpleasant remarks, delay in your work, unforeseen events, Junior who vomited in the nursery... Visualize the worries.

A very simple meditation allows you to bring to consciousness everything that passes through your mind. You refocus and calm around you. You can repeat abdominal breathing at the same time if you wish.

5 minutes of refocusing can be enough to restart a little more liberated.

Salute to unlock

Thanks to a succession of movements and simultaneous breathing work, the sun salutation practiced in yoga allows you to gently unlock your body by stretching slowly. Just to get a better understanding of the position, take a look at this demonstration video.

Since we don't always have a carpet on the floor and a gym mat under our desk or under the table in the break room, this exercise is not accessible to everyone. For those who can't do it completely, just do the pinch movement.
Standing with your feet together, bend over keeping your back straight, your hands facing the floor and try to press your forehead against your legs. Stretch your legs and back. Bend your knees if the pain starts to get uncomfortable. To get up, unroll gradually vertebra by vertebra.