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Pay Your Job:The Tumblr Calling Out Workplace Sexism

We already know the famous “Paye ta shnek“, which compiles stories of street harassment. Now let's discover "Paye ton taf", the Tumblr that denounces sexism in the world of work. At the origin of this initiative, Anaïs Bourdet, who is none other than the creator of "Paye ta shnek"!

After having observed the parliamentary collaborators pointing out the behavior of certain politicians in "Chair collaborators" and the lawyers revolting against the sexism of which they are sometimes victims in "Paye ta robe", this 32-year-old graphic designer wanted to show that no sector was spared.

"We can do that for your 95-C"

Teaching, catering, commerce, IT… All backgrounds are mentioned in this new Tumblr. And the success is there:launched on Sunday, November 20, 2016, it already lists nearly 150 testimonials. "We can do that for your 95-C", "Tomorrow you put on a skirt, we have to sign!" "But you can't keep a man my word!" “Paye ton taf” reads, between two other raw testimonials.

So many heartbreaking comments that prove that sexism is indeed rooted in all spheres of society. This was also one of the objectives of Anaïs Bourdet. But the young woman also wants to show women faced with this type of situation "that they are not alone in this case", as she explains to Buzzfeed . A necessary initiative which, we hope, will change things!