Family Best Time >> Work

The liaisons at work begun at the end of the year would be lasting

Not long ago, you were told that the end of the year was the best time to get closer to your work colleagues. And by getting closer, we weren't talking about entrusting his love troubles to Isabelle from accounting, or even offering a small gift to his boss for the first time, but indeed about starting an affair (Horror! Woe! Well, it's true that there are a few small drawbacks… But not only!). The trigger? The Christmas pot of course, the perfect opportunity to release the pressure and let down the barriers. So one might think that a relationship established in this context is rather of the order of the gap and has little chance of surviving the night (sometimes) watered, but this is not the case according to a recent study. .

A majority knows a love story

British online printing company Instantprint conducted a survey of 2,000 employees, and it turns out that 53% of those who had an end-of-year party affair at work experienced a serious relationship with the colleague in question, and a third party is still with the person a year later. The study also shows that the human resources department has the most partygoers in general, which is why half of them are nervous about returning to work the day after the evening (the heavy weight of shameful behavior…). Last little info that could be useful:employees of the IT department would be the most inclined to exchange kisses and more if they like… You have been warned. In advance, have a good evening!