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Elderly:what impact on car insurance?

Elderly:what impact on car insurance?

The elderly, especially from the age of 70, are considered by a large number of insurers to belong to a risky category in terms of driving, just like young drivers. Still, seniors benefit from their experience on the road and often drive carefully.

But, with age, it is true that sight is impaired, reflexes are slowed down, alertness decreases, etc. The use of the automobile by the elderly is also modified. So many criteria that have an impact on car insurance for seniors.

Higher car insurance premiums

Insurance companies consider that an elderly person falls into the category of high-risk motorists, in the same way as younger people who have just obtained their driving licence. Not because of their inexperience as drivers, but because of their health condition which may cause more accidents on the road. Elderly people benefit as they age from poorer visual and hearing abilities, their reflexes and alertness may be impaired or they may, for example, be subject to heart problems.

Consequently, insurers consider that the risk of accidents is greater for the elderly and very often apply higher prices for seniors over 60, and in particular after 70, even if they have no never been the cause of car accidents before. After 80, it is even more difficult to find car insurance without having to pay very high premiums. The deductibles requested in the event of a claim can also be more expensive than those requested from other motorists when you are an elderly driver.

Some insurance companies may also require older drivers to provide a medical certificate attesting to their ability to drive. But this is not an obligation required by law.

Please note:some companies categorically refuse to insure the vehicle of a person who is over a certain age. Others even terminate their auto insurance contract because of their age. You should know that these practices are totally prohibited by law and discriminatory. They are even liable to penalties ranging from imprisonment to very high fines.

Adapt your car insurance to the use of your car

The elderly, especially those who have ceased their professional activity, no longer have the same use of their car as before. This is why it is advisable to review the guarantees of your car insurance at this time to best adapt your insurance contract.

Thus, car insurance that covers home-to-work journeys in particular is superfluous and is no longer necessary once you retire. In the same way, a car that is also getting old no longer necessarily needs to be insured against all risks. Transforming your car insurance contract into a third-party guarantee may be a solution to consider for an elderly person.

Reconsidering the guarantees of your car insurance for an elderly person can also take the form of an insurance contract per kilometer. A more economical type of car insurance contract for those who do not travel long distances by car during the year.

If comparing the guarantees and the prices of car insurance is recommended in all cases, this competition is even more recommended for the elderly who wish to change car insurance or reconsider their guarantees in force to adapt them as best as possible to their age and how they use their vehicle.

Finally, some insurers have already adapted to cover the risks of car insurance for the elderly, since there will be more and more of them in the coming years, by offering special contracts adapted to seniors.