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Housing with alarm:what savings on home insurance?

Housing with alarm:what savings on home insurance?

The burglary affects thousands of homes in France according to the Ministry of the Interior. In order to avoid this, more and more French people are equipping themselves with an anti-intrusion alarm.

This device has a dissuasive effect and is really effective when its installation is well studied. Moreover, it is also able to make you benefit from other advantages such as a reduction on the premium of your home insurance. How is this reduction explained? What savings are you likely to make? Answers.

Install an alarm at home to save on the home insurance premium

Whether you own or rent, you cannot do without home insurance. Indeed, when you rent your accommodation, you will be required to take out insurance. And if you are a homeowner, home insurance is likely to provide you with useful protection in the event of a claim. Many parameters allow the insurer to determine the cost of a home insurance, such as its location, its value, its age, the status of the insurance applicant or its security. The notion of risk is important for insurers. The more risky a home is, the more expensive it will be to insure. However, it is true that the security of your home does not always depend on you. Only you have the opportunity to take action by adequately protecting yourself with an alarm system.

The alarm is a deterrent device which, in the event of an intrusion, is triggered, alerting the neighbors who will notify the police. With such a device, the risks will be reduced, which will allow you to benefit from significant discounts on your insurance premium.

How much can you save for a home with an alarm?

The savings you will be able to make by installing an alarm system in your home depends on the type of device you use. Indeed, there are different types of systems and they do not all offer the same level of security. By choosing an alarm system alone, without a monitoring station, the discount will be around 5%, but with an alarm system linked to a monitoring station, the saving is likely to reach 15%. This is because the first option will only beep.

There is no guarantee that neighbors will contact the police in the event that criminals break into your home. They will be more bothered by the noise and will only react after several minutes. On the other hand, with an alarm connected to a monitoring center, you will benefit from immediate support, especially since the criminals will be more easily identifiable. As a bonus, you will also receive an alert in the event of a fire, which will allow you to react in time. If you live in a remote place, it is advisable to take the second option, especially when your neighbors are quite far from you.

The alarm:a condition for obtaining theft cover for home insurance

Access to certain guarantees is subject to specific conditions. This is precisely the case of access to home insurance theft cover. To be able to grant it, the insurer will require its client to set up an alarm system and also specific security measures. This generally concerns customers who declare a significant movable heritage or policyholders who suffer repeated burglaries.

As the risk is significant, customers must make sure to avoid them otherwise no compensation can be given. In addition to reducing the vulnerability of your home to burglaries, the alarm system allows you to save on your home insurance. Depending on the insurers, this saving will come from a reduction in the amount of the contribution or the abandonment of the contractual deductible in the event of intrusion.