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Take out emergency home insurance:what solutions?

Take out emergency home insurance:what solutions?

Today there are a large number of home insurance offers that should be studied carefully. This coverage gives you essential guarantees and à la carte options.

Lost keys, damaged lock, water leak... Home emergencies are common. The first instinct of occupants is to contact a locksmith or a plumber. However, in this case, the costs will remain their responsibility. The best solution is to use the emergency home repair guarantee included in the multi-risk home contract.

Where to take out emergency home insurance?

To find optimal home insurance and protect your home, you can turn to several players:insurers, banks, online brokers. Brokers are independent service providers whose role is to support their clients in their search for insurance.

If you want to take out home insurance quickly, do not hesitate to ask for several quotes that will help you compare the offers. Depending on your occupancy status, taking out home insurance may be mandatory. This is particularly the case if you are a tenant or roommate of an empty accommodation, or co-owners.

Information to be provided to the insurer

Before signing the home insurance contract, the insurer will ask you to complete a form allowing them to obtain more information about your profile. For example, you will need to indicate any previous claims you have had to deal with, the nature of your accommodation and your occupancy status.

After studying this information, the insurance company will be able to work out how much premium you will need to pay for the coverage provided. It is advisable to answer the questions asked honestly. Indeed, any false declaration may result in the nullity of the contract.

Home insurance:choosing the right level of protection

Even if you are looking for emergency home insurance, you must pay particular attention to the level of protection chosen. The civil liability guarantee is the legal minimum for tenants and co-owners. It provides for the coverage of damage caused by a third party in the exercise of the occupation of accommodation. To benefit from compensation in the event of damage to movable property, you must take out property damage cover.

The most complete cover is the multi-risk home contract. This insurance includes civil liability and property damage guarantees. Certain claims such as fires, natural disasters or water damage are also covered. If you subscribe to this contract, remember to check that the emergency home repair guarantee is included. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, this warranty covers locksmithing, plumbing, glazing and electricity.

So, regardless of your occupancy status, your home insurance contract must be adapted to your needs. Do not hesitate to use an online comparator to discover the offers on the market and take out a contract urgently. This free, no-obligation tool saves you valuable time.