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Veteran:what right to retirement?

Veteran:what right to retirement?

All people who have been engaged, or who are still engaged today, in external operations on behalf of the Ministry of the Armed Forces can benefit from a specific pension as a veteran. This is a pension whose amount is combined with other occupational pensions, which can be drawn in principle from the age of 65 and, in some cases, from the age of 60.

Retreat of the fighter, what are we talking about? Who is affected?

People engaged today for France in foreign military operations and those who took part in the first two world wars, the wars in Korea, Indochina and Algeria, and in the fighting in North Africa can obtain what the is called a fighter's card.

Holding a combat card gives rights to its beneficiaries such as the status of national of the National Office for Veterans and War Victims (ONACVG), a public establishment which is under the supervision of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, and which, like the 'indicates the organization, "provides access to administrative assistance, the possibility of benefiting (based on criteria of resources) from financial aid in the event of specific difficulties or support for professional retraining .

The combatant's card also makes it possible to benefit from the combatant's retirement from the age of 65. This retirement does not correspond to a professional retirement but it is a benefit paid every year by the ministry in charge of veterans, in testimony of national recognition.

In some cases, the combatant's retirement can be awarded from the age of 60. To do this, you must, in addition to holding the combat card, fulfill one of these conditions:hold the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) which is paid to retirees who have low resources; a military disability pension (PMI) under the annotated code of military disability pensions and war victims (CPMIVG); a military disability pension compensating for a disability of at least 50% and receiving the Allowance for disabled adults (AAH), the Compensatory allowance or social assistance allowance, the Special old-age allowance (ASV), the Allowance for old salaried workers (AVTS) or Aspa; or be domiciled in an overseas department or community (case no longer applied since 1 st January 2021).

How does the fighter retreat work?

The combatant's pension paid to holders of the combatant's card is combined with the other retirement pensions from which they may already benefit. Its amount is not taken into account in the beneficiary's income for the calculation of his taxes, nor to determine his rights of access to social assistance specific to veterans.

This pension granted to veterans, until their death, is annual, but it is paid every six months. Its amount is 757.64 euros per year.

The fighter's retreat is "personal". It cannot be transferred to the spouse of the beneficiary after his death.

The steps to benefit from the combatant's retirement

Holders of the combatant's card must apply for combatant's retirement in the month preceding, depending on the case, their 60 e or 65 e birthday, with the ONACVG service which issued them their combat card.

This request is made by means of a form (cerfa n°10860*04) available for download on the ONACVG website. This form must be accompanied by supporting documents.

For holders of the combatant's card who have French nationality, this is a photocopy of their identity document, their Vitale card or the Vitale certificate, their combatant's card for those issued before 2010 Veterans of foreign nationality must also provide a birth certificate or a legible civil status card written in French. On the other hand, those who are recipients of a military disability pension or the solidarity allowance for the elderly must also attach proof of payment of their allowance to their application for combatant retirement.

Note:holders of a combat card for service in Algeria from 1962 to 1964 must use a different combatant pension application form:cerfa n° 15924*01.