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What is the Third Party Surcharge (MTP)? How to benefit from it?

What is the Third Party Surcharge (MTP)? How to benefit from it?

The Supplement for Third Person (MTP) is a financial supplement paid to people who receive a disability pension and who are obliged to call on the help of a person to help them carry out certain acts of life. daily. Some retirees with a loss of autonomy in particular can also benefit from this financial support, which is added to their retirement pension.

The Increase for Third Person for people receiving a disability pension

The Increase for Third Person (MTP) designates a pension increase which concerns certain people who receive a disability pension.

To benefit from it, people who receive an invalidity pension must meet two conditions:their invalidity must prevent them from working and oblige them to have recourse to the help of a third person to carry out the ordinary acts of life for all the days.

Compulsory assistance from a third party is determined by the medical adviser of the sickness insurance fund of the person receiving an invalidity pension, whether from the sickness insurance scheme or from a special diet. The latter judges, according to 10 acts of daily life, whether the person needs to be helped or not. The actions taken into account are:getting up and going to bed; getting up from a chair and sitting down; move around in accommodation, including in a wheelchair; getting into and out of a wheelchair; get up in the event of a fall; leave their accommodation in case of danger; dressing and undressing; eat and drink; going to urinate and have a bowel movement; put on a brace if needed.

The Third Party Supplement for certain retirees

Some retirees may benefit from a Supplement for Third Person (MTP). The latter must meet two conditions:be disabled (suffering from a permanent incapacity of at least 50%) and be obliged to have recourse to the assistance of a third person to carry out the ordinary acts of daily life and hold a an incapacity for work pension.

To collect the MTP, the assistance of a third person must be justified on the date of allocation of the retirement pension and at the latest before the age of automatic obtaining of a retirement pension at the full rate.

Note:the Supplement for Third Person is not granted if the person concerned provides proof of the duration of insurance required to obtain a full pension.

People eligible for early retirement due to a long career or due to a disability can also claim the Supplement for Third Person (MTP) if they are recognized as unfit for work between their 62 years and the age at which they have the possibility of benefiting from a pension at the full rate.

The amount of the Third Party Surcharge (MTP)

The amount of the Supplement for Third Person (MTP) is fixed by decree of the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav). It is currently around 1,120 euros per month for people who receive a disability pension, an amount which is revalued each year in April. For pensioners who meet the conditions, the MTP is equal to 40% of the amount of their pension and also at least 1,120 euros per month.

This increase is paid each month to its beneficiaries, at the same time as the invalidity pension or the retirement pension, as the case may be. The Supplement for Third Person (MTP) is due as long as a person fulfills the conditions to be helped to carry out the 10 tasks of daily life defined to receive this supplement.

The MTP is not subject to taxes and it is not recoverable from the estate, i.e. the heirs do not have to reimburse it on the death of the beneficiary of the MTP.

How to request the Surcharge for a Third Party?

For people under the age of 60 who receive a disability pension, the Supplement for Third Person (MTP) must be requested from the organization which pays them this pension.

For retirees, the request for the Supplement for Third Person must be made to their pension fund.

In all cases, a medical certificate from the attending physician attesting to the need to have recourse to the assistance of a third person in the performance of certain acts of daily living is required.