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3 key points to prepare your mortgage application

3 key points to prepare your mortgage application

Obtaining a home loan is certainly not a coincidence. Upstream, it will be necessary to carefully prepare the request in order to put the odds on your side. By knowing how to reassure and convince the banks of his solvency, the borrower will obtain their favors. What are the tips for presenting a solid and coherent project to access funding? Answers.

1 - Take care of the borrower profile

The bank is very vigilant about the profile of the people to whom it entrusts a mortgage, because the main risk that scares it is repayment default. It must then ensure that the borrower is trustworthy before granting his request. The latter has an interest in taking care of his profile to seduce the funder. Among the elements that are scrutinized is the profession. Banks have a preference for people with permanent contracts or acting as civil servants. Indeed, as a mortgage extends over a fairly long period of up to 30 years, the borrower must have a certain professional future to be able to honor his credit until its maturity. This does not mean that employees on fixed-term contracts, temporary workers or self-employed workers are immediately rejected. He will just have to prove a fixed income to accede to their request. Banking behavior is also scrutinized by the lender. The accumulation of consumer loans, bank overdrafts and payment refusals are very frowned upon and could be a brake on borrowing. Poor management means that the borrower may be a bad payer and there is no question of trusting such a profile.

2 - Prepare all necessary documents

Gathering all the documents essential to the loan application is the most time-consuming task. To avoid wasting time, it is better to do it as soon as possible. Three types of documents must be:the first justifying the personal situation of the borrower, the second related to his financial situation and the third relating to the real estate project itself. Personal supporting documents will help the bank to get to know its client better by establishing, in particular, his identity and his family situation. In this context, the borrower must provide an identity document, a marriage or family booklet or a PACS booklet as well as proof of address less than three months old. As the bank will analyze its financial situation, it will need several elements that guarantee the subscriber's financial solidity:employment contract, salary slips, bank account statements, tax notices, proof of property income, proof of insurance -life, proof of credits in progress, etc. Finally, the documents related to the real estate project concern the sales agreement, the quotes and proof of work, the proof of the personal contribution and the preliminary contract if it is a question of a new property.

3 - Take stock of borrowing capacity

Before even considering applying for a loan, the borrower must never neglect the calculation of his borrowing capacity. It should be remembered that people with a debt ratio above 33% are often rejected by banks unless they have justified very high incomes. In addition to taking into account the debt ratio, the bank also checks the borrower's income as well as all his expenses. Above all, it takes into account the personal contribution that he is able to provide. This financial contribution is used to cover certain costs related to the loan such as notary fees, agency fees, guarantee fees or administrative fees. It can be paid through savings, the sale of real estate, a donation or even a family loan. There are also several assisted loans, in particular the PEL or the PTZ, which make it possible to build up this capital.