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2 ways to ensure you never miss important emails

Organizing your email can be a tedious and time-consuming task, but it's often necessary to make sure you don't miss important emails you want to see. Instead of checking newsletters, spam, and more, there are two ways to simplify your email inbox.

One of them requires very little heavy lifting, and the other, although it may require more effort, will also lead to a great end result.

1. High

AOL Alto's new service is probably one of the simplest, out-of-the-box ways to make sure you never miss an email. Available as an app for iOS and Android, as well as through a web interface accessible in any browser, Alto automatically organizes emails into groups called Stacks.

Alto is kind of like Gmail's tabbed view on steroids. While Gmail divides emails into four useful columns:Primary, Social, Promotions, and Updates, Alto goes one step further. Alto's stacks include grouping messages by files, photos, shopping, travel, finances, and more.

You can also create additional stacks, just like you would with filters in any email provider. Criteria for creating stacks include sender, recipients, and keywords. You can also choose to include messages with pictures, files, or just messages.

Another benefit of using Alto is that it puts all of your email accounts in one place, so you get the organizational features you'd like in one email platform, but you can use them for all of your accounts.

2. Filters, labels and white lists.

If you prefer not to give Alto access to your email accounts or if you find that the automated system does not meet your standards, you could go the longer and more tedious route to setting up filters. 4 Smart Gmail Filters That Help You Deal With Them Too. Too much email 4 Smart Gmail filters that help you deal with too much email and organizing your Gmail inbox is a daily task. There is a smarter way to do it. Create four basic types of filters in Gmail to sort your emails automatically. Read More with email overload, but there's one right under your nose you might not be using:good old Gmail etiquette. Read more.

2 ways to ensure you never miss important emails

If you have signed up for many newsletters or mailing lists, this will be an extremely time-consuming exercise. Filters are a standard feature in almost any email provider, including Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo.

Filters can be created based on senders, recipients, keywords in the subject or body, and inclusion of attachments. By creating filters, you can automatically move certain messages to specific folders. If there are certain senders, keywords, or attachments you don't want to miss, you can also choose to automatically flag these messages so you know where to go to find your most important emails.

In addition to creating filters, you can also whitelist certain senders or lists to ensure their emails don't end up in your spam inbox. To learn how, check out our guides for Gmail How to Whitelist Email Addresses in Gmail How to Whitelist Email Addresses in Gmail Tired of missing certain emails because they keep getting sent to your inbox? unwanted mail? Here's how to add certain email addresses in Gmail. Read More, Yahoo How to Whitelist Yahoo Email Addresses How to Whitelist Yahoo Email Addresses Missing emails from subscriptions you care about? Here's how to whitelist any sender in Yahoo mail. Learn more, How to Whitelist Email Addresses in How to Whitelist Email Addresses in If you're using and you're not receiving email from certain contacts, it's you may need to whitelist them. That is how. Learn more, AOL How to Whitelist Email Addresses at AOL How to Whitelist Email Addresses at AOL Spam is frustrating, but valid messages are also missing due to an overzealous email filter. Here's how to whitelist any sender in AOL mail. More information and Postbox How to whitelist email addresses in Postbox How to whitelist email addresses in Postbox If you are using Postbox and notice that certain emails are mistakenly filtered as spam, then here's how you can get them back in your inbox. Read more.

What tips and tricks do you use to make sure you never miss an important message? Let us know in the comments.