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3 email folders you should use to keep your inbox organized

Email folders are one of the most important tools for keeping your inbox tidy. Without them, your mailbox will soon become a mess of tasks, reference items, junk, and more.

Sorting these messages into folders allows you to better keep track of them and keep your inbox tidy. We've talked before about the only folders you need for inbox zero. You only need 5 folders to maintain Zero inbox for emails. You only need 5 folders to maintain Zero inbox for emails. --- and that's what these folders help you do. Read More

1. The “Follow” Email Folder

It's very easy to forget a task that requires an email as soon as you click away from it. Once it's buried in your inbox, you'll lose that fleeting thought (unless you add a task in your to-do app.) 8 Super-Simple To-Do List Tools To Keep You On Focus keep you focused A to-do list is the simplest productivity system. These eight minimalist to-do list tools are for keeping track of your daily tasks seamlessly. Read More).

That's why you need a folder called Follow . Put emails here that require action on your part. As soon as they're done, take them out. In this way, you can open this folder at any time and complete the pending work.

2. The “Reference” Email Folder

Your email probably contains a lot of receipts, reminders, instructions, and other important documents that you don't want to lose. Search is always an option to find them, but that's not very efficient.

the Reference The folder is the place for anything you need in the future. Use it for important documents you'll need later, and you'll never lose sight of important items again.

3. Due Date Folders for Tasks

For some people, category-based folders don't work well. If you're someone like that, try creating folders based on due dates.

You could have one Today Folder for urgent tasks, This week folder for emails you want to reach soon, and This month for low priority tasks. This allows you to record and complete tasks based on their importance.

These three important folders are just suggestions – feel free to adapt them to whatever works for you. If you don't want to sort your emails manually, check out our guide to creating email filters How to set up email filters in Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook How to set up email filters in Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook Email Filters is your best tool to keep your inbox clean and organized. Here's how to set up and use email filters in Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook. Read More