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This is what you should keep in mind when you want to start your own blog

Have you ever thought about starting your own blog? To do! It's a fun way to write your thoughts off, or share your interest in a particular topic. To inform as many people as possible about the existence of your blog, a social media strategy can't hurt. Even if you want to make blogging your job, it is wise to delve into the possibilities that you have to realize this. But of course it starts with coming up with a topic that you can write about with passion.

Think about what you want to write about

Before you start blogging, it is important to have an idea about what you want to write about. This can be very personal and relate to yourself or your family, but also a particular hobby can be a good topic. If you like to read, a blog where you discuss books might be an idea. Or maybe make-up and care products are just your thing and you love to write about them. If you have found a topic, have set up the blog site and have placed the first article online, you can call yourself a blogger. To build a returning readership, it is recommended that you regularly post a blog post online. If you are not inspired, there are blog post topic generators such as Hubspot, which can help you come up with a topic.

Advertising income or not?

A blog can of course be a pleasant outlet for yourself, without you having the ambition to earn extra pocket money with it or maybe even to make it your career. If this is your goal, it may be interesting to join a network that specializes in affiliate marketing, such as Affilinet. These types of companies link advertisers to online platforms, such as blogs, to set up collaborations. For example, you reserve a place on your blog for an advertisement, or you write an article in which you promote a certain product.

Actively share your story with the world

In the online world, your success depends on how many people visit your platform. The more often your articles are read, the more advertising revenue you can demand and the more interesting the deals become. Unfortunately, writing interesting posts is usually not enough to expand your audience. You have to show your blog and yourself to the world. Personal branding is a method that can help you with this. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are also good for promoting your blog. Depending on the subject, you can also use LinkedIn or Pinterest. You can easily inform your readers about the publication of new articles via social media, and you can also maintain contact with your readers. Furthermore, collaborations with other bloggers can be good for your brand awareness.