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Defeat Procrastination with all 3 types of Time Wasters technique.

Everyone postpones. Ready to stop? Trace the problem to its source! Here's how to find out what kind of procrastinator you are and do something about it.

We all know the feeling. We have the time to do a job today, but it won't really be until next week. It is often easier to procrastinate. Stop procrastination in its tracks with 5 proven brain rules. Stop procrastination in its tracks with 5 proven brain rules. Believe it or not, there are several principles in psychology research that can help you stop procrastination in its tracks! Read More However, as it turns out, not all procrastination is exactly the same.

Dr. Joseph Ferrari of DePaul University (Chicago, Illinois) described three basic schools of procrastination in the following flowchart. Work your way through the chart and see which one applies to you:

Defeat Procrastination with all 3 types of Time Wasters technique.

If we take a good look at the reasons why we delay, it is easier to discover ways to modify that behavior. Once you know which of these types of procrastination applies to your job, check out these strategies for making productive changes.

The Thrill Seeker

For some people, procrastination isn't about laziness. A tight deadline can be a great motivator and sometimes helps us produce our best work. However, we can take advantage of this trait by setting our own deadlines, rather than sticking to someone else's.

Keep a to-do list

Maintaining a To-Do List 8 Super-Simple To-Do List Tools to Keep You Focused 8 Super-Simple To-Do List Tools to Keep You Focused A to-do list is the simplest productivity system. These eight minimalist to-do list tools are for keeping track of your daily tasks without the hassle. Read More

There are several different tools to help you maintain a to-do list, and many of them allow you to set specific due dates for individual tasks.

Defeat Procrastination with all 3 types of Time Wasters technique.

Once you've set up this kind of canvas, why not make a rule that all of your deadlines are actually three days earlier than they actually are? Obviously, it will take some discipline to stick to the deadlines you've created for yourself, but try to stick to it for a month, and hitting a deadline may be the thrill you're looking for, even if you're the one who made the cut. /P>

Your game

Most people who fall into the category of thrill-seeking procrastinators are putting off work in search of a sense of accomplishment. Getting things done just in time can be great, but it's risky. The best way to address this behavior might be to re-address how you think about reaching goals.

Don't let “Doing It” be the whole, the end of your achievement. Try to implement some time saving techniques. 10 Easy Excel Time-Savers You Might Have Forgot About. 10 Easy Excel Time-Savers You Might Have Forgot About. Read More If you're a thrill seeker, you know you enjoy a good challenge, why not up the stakes? Don't just meet your deadline, see how quickly you can get your work done while maintaining a high level of quality.

The avoider

Avoiders leave work because they are anxious about the outcome, be it good or bad. Instead of finding out if their work meets expectations, they prefer to ignore the judgment of others. That kind of perspective can keep you from reaching your full potential, so here are two tips to help you eliminate the problem.

Face your failures

This is probably the hardest tip on this list to keep in mind, but it's also the one that will give you the best results. All of us are going to fail at something, sooner or later, but if you live your life in fear of failure, you will find it much harder to recover.

Start with a few little things you're not good at. Struggling to remember names when meeting new people? Learn How To Do It Better 2 Simple Hacks To Remember People's Names 2 Simple Hacks To Remember People's Names Do you tend to forget the names of people you just met? The good news is that there is a mind attack that could help you avoid this social faux pas. Read more . Do you hate the way your handwriting looks? Change It Up 10 Unique Ways To Practice Your Handwriting When You Hate It 10 Unique Ways To Practice Your Handwriting When You Hate It You don't have to get bored with handwriting practice. Here are ten tips and tools to help you improve your handwriting and calligraphy by writing beautiful sentences. Read more . Would you like to read more books? Do Something About It How To Read 50+ Books This Year How To Read 50+ Books This Year If you're like the average American, you're not reading enough. Reading more books can make you smarter and more successful. Let us show you how to read one book per week. Read more.

If you can meet challenges like these, you will soon see how powerful it can be to overcome failure. Don't see it as the absence of success; See it as an opportunity to succeed.

Remove your distractions

It's harder to avoid the task at hand if you're free from distractions. You may not be able to rewire your brain and remove the source of your procrastination, but you can certainly reduce the ways your attention wanders.

Defeat Procrastination with all 3 types of Time Wasters technique.

For example, there is a Google Chrome extension. 6 Chrome Extensions. Each student must use 6 Chrome Extensions that each student must use. As a student, you must use all the tools at your disposal to go from student to sudious. Here are the Chrome extensions that will keep you focused, productive, and organized. Read More You can choose specific sites and schedule when you want to limit your access to them.

The undecided

If you're indecisive, your quest for perfection may be clouded by an inability to choose one route over another. Use these techniques to counteract the stress that comes with trying to avoid mistakes.

Use the lowest effective dose

It's tempting to think that perfection is always within our grasp, but often that's not true. If you're a procrastinator, striving for perfection can easily result in missing your deadline, and that doesn't help anyone. This is where the idea of ​​the minimum effective dose reaches its maximum efficiency with a minimum effective dose. Reach your maximum efficiency with a minimum effective dose. Does it push us to waste time? How can we stop doing this? Read more is coming in.

Minimum Minimum Effect is a medical concept that states that any amount of medicine beyond the amount that produces the desired effect is being wasted. This applies to your work life, too. You can put effort into a project endlessly, but if it doesn't improve the end result, it's a waste of time and energy.

This is not to say that doing the bare minimum is the answer. However, if you know you're a bit of a perfectionist, you're likely to put off this kind of superfluous work.

Consider Kanban

If you're a perfectionist, tasks can sometimes add up and seem insurmountable. Instead of thinking of them as one big test, break them down into smaller parts.

The Japanese Kanban Technique How to Manage Tasks with the Japanese Kanban Technique How to Manage Tasks with the Japanese Kanban Technique Kanban is a Japanese recipe for getting things done. It is an organization technique originally developed for the Toyota production line. We show you how you can implement it for yourself or on your team. Read More

It's a good way to keep a team focused on the different parts of a project they're responsible for. However, it can also help a person satisfy procrastination.

Defeat Procrastination with all 3 types of Time Wasters technique.

Break your papers down into their component parts and set a deadline for each stage of progress. As you work towards your due date, you'll make steady progress on each project, instead of waiting until the last minute to get started.

Know your enemy

The First Step To Dealing With Your Tendency To Procrastinate 3 Resolutions Every Procrastinator Should Make In The New Year 3 Resolutions Every Procrastinator Should Make In The New Year If you're a procrastinator, what can you do about it? Make these three resolutions for the new year. And don't put them off. Read More If you found something familiar in the flowchart at the beginning of this article, you've already taken the first step.

Now you need to act on that knowledge. Changing your routines isn't easy, but it will make you a much more productive person in the long run.

Do you have your own tips on how to beat procrastination? Why not share them with other readers in the comments section below?