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Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

Even if you love Chrome, there's one thing you can't deny:it's not perfect. Chrome would be a boring mess without extensions; in fact, the landscape extension alone is what gives Chrome the winning edge in browser comparisons. Which browser is the best? Edge vs. Chrome vs. Opera vs. Firefox What is the best browser? Edge vs. Chrome vs. Opera vs. Firefox The browser you are using right now may not be the best for you. The browser arena changes so frequently that your conclusions from comparisons made last year may be dead wrong this year. Read more.

Simply put, the Chrome experience with and without the following extensions is like night and day. You know how some people say they feel stuck using Chrome I Hate Google Chrome but I'm stuck on it. Here's why I hate Google Chrome but am stuck on it. Here's why in the Chrome vs. Firefox war, I'm siding with Google users. But I do not want. Chrome is my browser of choice because it has features I can't live without. Read more ? Extensions like these are a great reason why. Prepare to have the scales peeled from your eyes..

1. OneTab

If there's one common complaint shared by all Chrome users, it's that Chrome uses too much RAM. Why is Chrome using so much RAM? (And how to fix it right now) Why is Chrome using so much RAM? (And how to fix it right now) But why does Chrome use so much RAM, especially compared to other browsers? And what can you do to keep it under control? Read more. There's a reason for this:RAM is what allows it to be so fast, stable, and secure. But the drawback? Each additional tab requires more RAM, and if you run out of RAM, your system slows down dramatically.

There's a reason for this:RAM is what makes it so fast, stable, and secure. But the drawback? Each additional tab requires more RAM, and if you run out of RAM, your system slows down dramatically.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

That's why you need OneTab . With the click of a button, OneTab saves all your current tabs to a list for safe keeping. You can then restore those tabs later, either when you need them or all at once. It allows you to juggle dozens of tabs without wasting precious RAM, the best of both worlds.

Download - OneTab (Free)

2. The big league

Another common complaint is Chrome's high CPU usage. 3 Quick Tips to Reduce Chrome CPU Usage and Battery Drain. 3 Quick Tips to Reduce Chrome CPU Usage and Battery Drain. There may be a way to reduce its impact. Read more.

For one thing, Chrome needs a lot of CPU cycles to provide a smooth and snappy experience. On the other hand, this can kill battery life, so you shouldn't use Chrome on laptops like MacBooks Safari vs. Chrome for Mac:10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Use Chrome Safari Vs. Chrome for Mac:10 Reasons You Shouldn't 'Use Chrome' Chrome is, for many people, the first thing installed on a new Macbook. It makes sense:In its early days, Chrome earned a reputation for being light and fast. Read more.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

Normally, Chrome keeps all open tabs active. If you have pages with a lot of JavaScript or Flash content, they will continue to run in the background even if you switch to another tab. The big league reduces CPU usage by suspending inactive tabs and restoring them as you need them.

Download - The Big League (Free)

3. FreshStart

As for session handlers, Fresh start Is one of the best. You probably have different "sets" of tabs, right? For example, you might have some tabs related to photography, some related to work, some for games, some for news, and so on. Managing all of them can be hectic.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

This extension allows you to create separate groups of tabs, called sessions, which you can freely switch between. Additionally, FreshStart can automatically save sessions every few minutes and act as a crash recovery tool. It's surprisingly useful if you're like me and tend to keep dozens of tabs open all the time.

Download - FreshStart (Free)

Tipping: Don't forget about Chrome user profiles, a built-in feature that lets you create separate profiles that have their own browsing histories, tabs, cookies, passwords, and more. Read more about why you should start using Chrome profiles .

4. Magic actions for YouTube

Of all the extensions that enhance YouTube for Chrome, you won't find a better one than Magic Actions for YouTube . Don't just trust me – this extension has a near perfect rating based on over 110,000 reviews. It really doesn't get any better than that.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

Key features include scroll wheel volume control, Theme Cinema Mode, one-click screenshots, rating previews, enhanced commentator details, auto-repeat, auto-hide controls, and more.

Download - Magic actions for YouTube (Free)

5. Data saver

If monthly data caps are an issue for you, an issue that's becoming more common by the day. Why do data limits exist and how can you avoid them? Why do data limits exist and how can they be bypassed? ISPs and mobile data caps are the bane of everyday Internet users. Why do these exist? Is there any way to get around them? This is what we know. Read More immediately. This extension uses Google's servers to compress web data before it reaches you, minimizing unnecessary bandwidth usage. Encrypted pages are not compressed.

This extension uses Google's servers to compress web data before it reaches you, minimizing unnecessary bandwidth usage. Encrypted pages are not compressed.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

It's pretty much the same as Opera's Turbo Mode feature, but the key difference is that your traffic is routed through Google. How confident are you? While there is no evidence that your privacy is violated with this extension, cautious users may want to avoid it anyway. But the savings are real.

Download - Data Saver (Free)

6. Mercury Reader

How often do you come across an interesting article that is bogged down by ads, pop-ups, excessive links, and other distracting elements? Mercury reader is the one-click solution that removes clutter, improves readability, and generally makes the web more comfortable to navigate.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

This can also be a small but effective way to reduce Chrome's RAM usage, at least on websites overloaded with ads, images, and videos.

Download - Mercury reader (free)

7. Disconnect

Concerned about privacy? The truth is, as you browse the web, you are constantly being tracked. Disconnect fight against said trackers.

By blocking the invisible trackers that exist on most web pages, Disable not only gives you peace of mind, but also speeds up page load times. It's so good that The New York Times He called it the best privacy tool in 2016. However, keep in mind that Disconnect may be incompatible with certain types of ad blockers.

Download - Disconnect (Free)

8. LastPass

These days, password managers are essential. You need to start using a password manager right now. You should start using a password manager right now. Now everyone should be using a password manager. In fact, not using a password manager puts you at higher risk of being hacked. Read more . Who has the time or the mental energy to memorize a million different strong passwords? Nobody, that's who. However, you should not use the same password for all your accounts.,

However, on the other hand, you shouldn't use the same password for all your accounts, otherwise a leak could compromise everything .

Leave Last pass handles all that for you Generates unbreakable passwords for all your web accounts and remembers them so you don't have to. All you need is a single master password. It's guaranteed to save you time How to Use Google Productivity Tools to Maximize Your Time How to Use Google Productivity Tools to Maximize Your Time Google Keep, Google Calendar, and Gmail are productivity tools that can help you manage your time. We demonstrate how you can use Google's free tools to optimize your workday. Read More

Download - LastPass (Free)

9. SmartUp gestures

Browser keyboard shortcuts can be nifty, but the web is generally navigated with the mouse, and switching from mouse to keyboard is inefficient. So why not create shortcuts for your mouse?

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

SmartUp Gestures provides the functionality of mouse gestures and allows you to customize them as you wish. Different forms of gestures trigger different actions. Turn your most frequent actions into gestures and you'll see a huge boost in your web browsing productivity.

Download - SmartUp Gestures (Free)

10. Google when

Wouldn't it be nice if the Google search results list told you which links you clicked before Tracking the last time you clicked on Google search results with this Chrome extension? free chrome extension, you can now see which google search results you have already visited and when you last visited them. Read more ? And not only that, but also the last time you clicked on them.?

That could be useful in two ways:don't waste time on old links and finding that link you visited the other day.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

Google when does this for you. Just install it and go. Of course, it only works on Google, so you're out of luck using DuckDuckGo or Bing.

Download - Google When (Free)

11. Search Preview

Here's another way to improve your search results. Search preview adds site thumbnails next to each one, plus popularity ratings and related links that might be interesting.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

And unlike Google When, this one also works on three other engines:DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo.

Download - Search preview (free)

12. IE tab

Some sites on the web are blocked in the past. They won't work unless you're using Internet Explorer (IE), which is a big deal because IE isn't exactly the most secure or usable browser. I'd rather skip using a site altogether than launch IE.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

Fortunately, the IE Tab extension provides a compromise. Launches a new tab that uses IE's rendering engine, allowing you to browse the Internet with IE within Chrome. This is particularly useful as a test method for web developers who still need to support IE users.

Download - IE Tab (Free)

13. User-agent switch

Some sites may completely restrict access if they detect that you are using a certain type of browser. For example, Apple has made Safari-only sites in the past and Microsoft has some IE-only and Edge-only sites. At the same time, Skype for Web even disabled certain features in non-Firefox browsers.

Optimize Your Chrome Browsing Experience With These 13 Extensions

By changing your browser "user agent," you can trick these websites into thinking you're using a different browser. User-agent switch makes it easy to create custom user agents and switch between them with a click. Learn more about why the user agent switch is useful.

Download - User agent switch (free)

What are your must-have Chrome extensions?

A word of warning before you dive in and grab all the extensions in this post:Installing too many extensions can negatively affect browser performance 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Install Too Many Browser Extensions [Opinion] We all love our browsers and we all love browser extensions. extensions that you can install with them. We love browser extensions because they allow us to do what we want our browser to do out of it... Read More This is true whether you're on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or any other browser.

So don't feel obligated to incorporate all of the above. Just pick the ones you find most useful and ignore the rest. However, I highly recommend The Big League , Magic actions for YouTube , and Last pass for everyone.

Are there other extensions that enhance the Chrome browsing experience? What extensions do you consider essential? Let us know in the comments below!