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Top 5 Desktop Email Clients That Don't Cost a Penny

Some people say you should stop using desktop email clients. I get where they come from. Web-based email services have come a long way in the last decade, and many of them are feature-rich enough to keep up with desktop-based alternatives.

But there are several valid reasons to continue using desktop email software, and I believe desktop email clients will never be obsolete.

Postbox and Microsoft Outlook are the two main options, but they are expensive. If you only need an email client to handle one or two personal accounts, a free email client will likely serve you well. Here are the best free desktop email clients we've found.

1. Thunderbird

Top 5 Desktop Email Clients That Don t Cost a Penny

Available for Windows, Mac, Linux.

Although development of Thunderbird was "discontinued" in 2012, it still receives maintenance updates, so don't write it off as dead. In fact, at the time of writing, the latest version (version 60.2.1) was released in October 2018. Sure, Thunderbird may not get new features in the future, but it's absolutely workable for everyday personal use. ..

And, as sad as it sounds, Thunderbird is the only free and open source desktop email client that's really worth using. Other open source clients exist, but they are plagued with issues like clunky interfaces, glitchy performance, and a lack of advanced features.

If you are determined to never spend a penny and never switch to a web-based email client, then Thunderbird is your best bet. You can do just about anything you need, including setting up message filters, automatic email replies, and various other nifty Thunderbird tips and tweaks.

Download: Thunderbird (Free)

2. Mailspring

Top 5 Desktop Email Clients That Don t Cost a Penny

Available for Windows, Mac, Linux.

In 2016, Nylas Mail hit the scene and it looked like it would be the desktop email client to put all other desktop email clients to shame. But then in August 2017 the team announced that they would no longer be working on Nylas Mail and opened the source to the public.

One of the original authors later forked the project and relaunched Nylas Mail as Mailspring. He optimized and improved many of the internal components, resulting in faster sync, less RAM usage, faster launch times, and more.

Thunderbird may be the client of choice for those who want time-tested reliability and staying power, but Mailspring is the client to use if you want something new, exciting, and full of future potential. It's free to use indefinitely with some advanced features locked behind a subscription.

Notable features of the free version

  • Syncs with Gmail, Office 365, Yahoo, iCloud, FastMail and IMAP.
  • Unlimited email accounts and unified inbox.
  • Undo emails sent within a certain period of time.
  • Support for pre-built themes, layouts and emojis.

Notable features of the Pro version

  • Powerful template support for productivity.
  • Track if emails are opened and links are clicked.
  • Schedule emails to be sent in the future..
  • Snooze emails and create follow-up reminders.
  • Share email messages with others using a web link.

Download: Mailspring (Free, Pro for $8/month)

3. Sylpheed

Top 5 Desktop Email Clients That Don t Cost a Penny

Available for Windows, Mac, Linux.

Sylpheed is a desktop email client that has been around since 2001. Although it looks dated compared to modern email clients, it's not bad at all. In fact, its old-school interface and approach to email management can come in handy if your email habits cause you undue stress. 6 Simple Tricks to Reduce Email Stress. No one ever said. Need all the tips you can get to manage your email inbox? We can help you! Read more.

The great thing about Sylpheed is that it knows what it is:an email client. It doesn't deal with tons of extraneous features that clutter up the installation and clutter up the interface. Sylpheed is simple, light and complete..

Notable features include fast launch and overall performance, advanced email search and filters, effective spam control, encryption, and extensibility via plugins.

Download: Sylpheed (Free)

4. Mailbird

Top 5 Desktop Email Clients That Don t Cost a Penny

Available for Windows.

Mailbird is an attempt to optimize the desktop email client experience.

If you've never used desktop email before, then you'll probably love Mailbird. If you are migrating from another client, they will be affected or missing. Some parts will be familiar to you, other parts will impress you, but you will undoubtedly find aspects that you hate as well.

All we can recommend is to give it a try. It's definitely sleek and modern, and there's a lot to like about it. Please note that it is a freemium app, so the free version is restricted in some way.

Notable features of the free version

  • Beautifully elegant and minimalistic interface.
  • Syncs with any IMAP or POP email service.
  • Lightning fast search and indexing.
  • Integration with Dropbox, Evernote, Google Docs and more.
  • Supports up to 3 email accounts.

Notable features of the Pro version

  • Unlimited email accounts and unified inbox.
  • Snooze emails and set reminders.
  • Speed ​​reader for emails..
  • Quick preview of email attachments.

Download: Mailbird (Free, Pro for $18/year or $59 one time)

5. eM Client

Top 5 Desktop Email Clients That Don t Cost a Penny

Available for Windows.

The eM client is intended to be an all-in-one solution for dealing with office tasks and communications. It's primarily designed for email, but it also has nifty calendar integration, task management, contact organization, and even chat support, and the free version only has one (albeit important) limitation, as you can see below.

Notable features of the free version

  • Modern UI interface that fits well with Microsoft applications.
  • Syncs with Gmail, Exchange, iCloud, Office 365, and
  • Conversational view for email threads.
  • Integration with all common chat services, including Jabber.
  • Supports up to 2 email accounts.

Notable features of the Pro version

  • Supports an unlimited number of email accounts.
  • Can be used for commercial purposes (eg business office use).
  • VIP support and troubleshooting.

Download: eM client (free, $50 one-time purchase)

Windows and Mac have built-in email applications

All of these desktop email clients are fantastic, so don't worry too much. They can all get the job done, so try each one and stick with the one you like best. How for me? I have been using the free version of Mailspring for months and I am very happy with it.

Si las aplicaciones anteriores parecen ser demasiado complejas para sus necesidades de correo electrónico, entonces siempre puede recurrir a la aplicación de Correo que viene preinstalada en Windows 10 (algunos consideran que es inflable, mientras que otros piensan que vale la pena usar Windows 10 Mail con 7 características superiores de Windows 10 Mail). Probablemente no sabía acerca de 7 características superiores de Windows 10 Mail que probablemente no conocía La aplicación Windows 10 Mail se ha convertido en un cliente de correo electrónico de escritorio competitivo. Le mostramos siete características inteligentes que debe saber si desea ser una fuente de energía. Username. Leer más). Si estás en Mac, Apple Mail es más que adecuado (especialmente con estos consejos y ajustes).

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